“The new galaxy M5S? I would talk more about bing bang …”. With a joke, Sergio Battelli, deputy of the first hour, thus describes the status quo of the M5S currents. The “current” categories from a few months ago have almost completely disappeared. However, there is a map, albeit a provisional one, of the M5S galaxy. Even the States General, when everything could change again.
GOVERNMENT: It is the predominant wing in the M5S, a macro-assembly that includes several souls. What they have in common is the objective of an alliance with the Democratic Party, also for the 2021 Municipalities. Among the 5-star governance sub-streams, there are four main ones: I “dimaiani“- It is the group close to Luigi Di Maio, the most numerous. There are” big names “like Alfonso Bonafede, Sergio Costa, Laura Azzolina, Vincenzo Spadafora, Laura Castelli, Giancarlo Cancelleri, Laura Agea, Stefano Buffagni, Manlio Di Stefano, Mirella Liuzzi. In the Chamber, among the “dimaiani” are Luigi Iovino, Francesco D’Uva, Anna Macina, Michele Gubitosa, Andrea Caso, Cosimo Adelizzi, Iolanda Di Stasio, Leonardo Donno. In the Senate, where Di’s “take” Maio is younger, there are Sergio Puglia, Sergio Vaccaro, Ettore Licheri.autunomi“- They are governors, pro-alliances but not in the inner circle of the head of Farnesina. The government is Stefano Patuanelli, Fabiana Dadone or Pier Paolo Sileri. In the Chamber here is the leader of the group Davide Crippa or Sergio Battelli. In the Senate “leader” is Paola Taverna who, among the parliamentarians closest to her, can count on Emanuele Dessì, Alessandra Maiorino or Laura Bottici. Traditionally close to Taverna (but also considered “Dimaiano”) is Fabio Massimo Castaldo, vice president of the Parliament of the EU: One must count from the first hour the autonomous activists, those who are very faithful to the word of Beppe Grillo, among them Andrea Cioffi, Gianluca Castaldi, Alberto Airola or Elio Lannutti.anti-Rousseau“- It is a cross-sectional group, numerically large, based on both the area near Di Maio and Roberto Fico. In the last hours, it is the movement that makes noise”Warrior words“, a think tank led by Dalila Nesci that has several exponents: from Carlo Sibilia to Giorgio Trizzino, from Diego De Lorenzis to Azzurra Cancellerie.
ME “Fichiani“- The former Orthodox, today, are among the most determined followers of the alliance with the Democratic Party and are headed by Roberto Fico. The reference in the government is Federico D’Incà. In the Chamber here are Riccardo Ricciardi, Gilda Sportiello , Giuseppe Brescia or Luigi Gallo In Lazio Roberta Lombardi’s support “weighs”.
I PURISTI: They are skeptical of an alliance with the Democratic Party, anti-Mes and defenders of the role of the Rousseau platform. Among the referents are Davide Casaleggio and Alessandro Di Battista. The ex-MP, in addition to Antonella Laricchia in Puglia, can count on Barbara Lezzi in the groups, but perhaps also Giulia Grillo, Alvise Maniero or Raphael Raduzzi. In Brussels the point of reference is Ignazio Corrao. Dr. “Casaleggiana” is Enrica Sabatini, Rousseau’s director of research and development.
THE SYMBOL AND THE ASSOCIATION: could be the “knot of nodes”, in case the internal confrontation reaches the highest levels. The new Statute of the Movement, launched in December 2017, gave rise to a third M5S Association, in which Di Maio and Casaleggio appear as founders. The symbol is licensed for use by the former M5S association. Or Beppe Grillo.