Pensions, what is cooking? One thing is certain: the term of the 100 quota is approaching, the operating mechanism as of 2019 that allows early departure from the labor market to all those who have at least 38 years of contributions with a minimum age of 62 years. The three-year trial ends at the end of 2021, there is no extension of the 100 quota. So the point is: what will happen after this date? The reform of pensions Once again, a hot topic on the government’s agenda: today there will be a meeting between representatives of the Executive and the unions with a view to the social security measures that will be included in the next Stability Law.
With dismissal at 100, there should no longer be the possibility of leaving the workplace when the age and years of contributions add up to one hundred. And for that very reason, new mechanisms for early exit from the labor market are being studied. Let us take stock of the possible hypotheses for the future of pensions, starting from the so-called “fee 102”, an exit from the labor market at 64 years of age and 38 of contributions, with a reduction in the amount in relation to the years of contributions lower than the traditional exit. However, the new measure would come into effect from 2022, at the end of the experimentation triennium for a quota of 100. For now, it is a matter of hypothesis, we reiterate it.
Pension with 41 years of contributions for all?
Unions are pushing for reform that would include the so-called “fee 41”, or the right to a pension with at least 41 years of contributions behind them, regardless of age. At the moment, this possibility is foreseen only for some categories of workers. In this way, the 100 would be exceeded and the retirement age would be brought forward below the 67 years established by the Fornero law. The unions would like to anchor this hypothesis to the total allowance for the outgoing worker.
There are some knots to untie. In the first place: how to overcome the 5-year ladder that will be formed from 2022, when those who have not managed to accrue the requirements of the 100 quota in time for December 31, 2021 will have to wait until they are 67 years old to pass to pension (instead of 62)? The solution proposed by the unions is to allow all workers (not just the “precocious” as happens today) to retire with only 41 years of contributions, regardless of age. This would be an expensive reform.
Pensions, social ape and the female option: future scenarios
In future pension plans there will probably also be Ape sociale and Option donna extensions. The unions want an extension of the social Ape until 2021, also extending the beneficiaries to the so-called heavy or strenuous activities and the jobs most exposed to the risk of contagion by coronavirus. Among other requests, the expansion of the possibility of access to early retirement for all workers for whom the expansion of the social Ape is assumed. The government and unions should also discuss the extension of the Women’s Option, already extended by the 2020 Budget Law.
The formula allows workers in both the public and private sectors to request early retirement, through a check calculated exclusively on the basis of contributory age. With this mechanism, workers can retire early if they have completed 35 years of contributions on a certain date. If the extension is finalized, female workers born before December 31, 1962 and self-employed workers born before December 31, 1961, with at least 35 years of contributions as of December 31, 2020, may access early retirement.
The note of the Ministry of Labor on the hypothesis of the pension reform
Today’s pension summit could be decisive in understanding the government’s guidance on the timing and methods of reforming the social security system, even if in a note the Ministry of Labor has disproved these pension reform hypotheses. The meeting of September 16, they explain, will not have on the table the exceeding of the 100 quota with a pension reform from 2022 but the beginning of a first confrontation with the social security measures that will be included in the next Law of Stability.
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The Ministry of Labor explains that “several times the Minister Catalfo has clearly outlined the path he intends to follow to achieve the objective of overcoming the Fornero law, which, in addition to confronting the social partners, will go through the work of the three commissions. of experts (the ministerial, the separation between pension and welfare spending and the heavy work). Only and only in its conclusion will the contours of the intervention be outlined ”, specify sources from the Ministry of Labor.