
It is always Enrico Mentana-show. We are in the final stages of its TgLa7, the edition is Thursday, September 17. And so the director, before giving the line to Half past eight of Lilli gruber, also announces the guests of Corrado formigli a Clean slate, always in La7. And Mitraglietta states: “Half past eight soon then there Clean slate. There are many important guests at Corrado Formigli’s and a minor one: there are Landini, Renzi, Cottarelli, Tito Boeri …“And the public of the tiggì wonders: who would be the least important guest among those mentioned? Against whom did the ax of the ineffable Mentana strike? The answer would come minutes later, directly from the studio of Clean slate, where he was also, the director. And in short, with the usual irony, Mentana has classified himself as a “minor guest”.
