from cards to holiday bonuses, the news



Green light from the Chamber of the Chamber to the so-called milleproroghe decree with 322 votes in favor, 2 votes against and 31 abstentions. Fdi abstained: this was announced by the deputy of Giorgia Meloni’s party, Paolo Trancassini on the occasion of the declaration of vote: “We abstain because, despite the opposition, we have a deep esteem for President Draghi.”

Covid layoffs, tax bills, vacation bonuses, and digital taxes among the news. But also elections, precarious public administration, Italian champions, universities, schools and roads, earthquake. The package of measures launched by the House Committee on Constitutional Affairs introduces numerous innovations on various fronts. The measure, after the approval of the House, must reach the Senate for the second reading and must be definitively approved by the parliament before March 1.

COVID CIG – Extension to March 31, 2021 of the deadline for sending requests for access to complementary salary treatments, linked to the epidemiological emergency. The same deadline is set for the transmission of the necessary data for the payment of the balance, expired on December 31, 2020.

TAX INVOICES – enters into the milleproroghe law decree, the legislative decree that provides for the extension until February 28, 2021 of certain conditions of tax obligations (notification of tax collection notices, payment terms derived from payment notices, suspension of obligations of provision derived from third-party foreclosures by ‘salary and pension collection agent).

VACATION BONUS – The possibility of benefiting from the vacation tax credit will be extended until December 31, 2021.

DIGITAL TAX – Extension of the deadline for the payment of the tax on digital services, from February 16 to March 16, 2021 and the deadline for filing the corresponding return from March 31 to April 30, 2021.

‘PROTECTED’ ENERGY MARKET The term to end the price protection regime for small end customers in the gas market has been extended from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023. The term for the termination of the same regime has also been extended in the electricity market for micro-enterprises and domestic customers, from July 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023. And the incentives for plants that produce electricity from 2020 to 2021 of biogas-fueled electricity are extended, with a power not exceeding 300 kW , prepared by agricultural entrepreneurs at the service of business processes and with specific requirements.

DRILLS – The regulations on prospecting, research and cultivation of hydrocarbons are modified, setting the deadline for the adoption of the Sustainable Energy Transition Plan for Adequate Areas (Pitesai) on September 30, 2021. On the same date, the deadline for the resumption of the investigation, in case of non-adoption of the Pitesai, of the suspended concession procedures and for the resumption of the validity of the suspended prospecting and research permits.

EARTHQUAKE – The period by which, in the territories of central Italy affected by seismic events as of August 24, 2016, it is possible to use the derogatory procedures, provided for the temporary storage of debris, is postponed from December 31, 2020 to December 31, 2021 (caused by earthquakes) and debris (resulting from reconstruction interventions). The same possibility also for the treatment and storage of excavated materials. An increase of 180 million is expected for interventions in damaged buildings. It will also be possible to directly award works, services and supplies, including engineering and architectural services and design activities, for amounts less than 150,000 euros, until the reconstruction is completed.

RADIOACTIVE WASTE – The term for the formulation, by regions and local authorities, of the observations to the draft National Charter of the potentially suitable areas for the location of the Technological Park annexed to the national deposit of radioactive waste, is foreseen from the date of publication of the herself.

SCHOOLS AND ROADS – Some terms related to the multi-year program extend until 2021 to strengthen investments for the safety of schools, roads, public buildings and municipal assets and for the removal of architectural barriers for the benefit of the community, as well as for energy efficiency improvements. and sustainable territorial development.

UNIVERSITY – Without prejudice to the provisions of university regulations and other higher education institutions, the last call for the final tests for the achievement of degrees corresponding to the academic year 2019/2020 is set for June 15, 2021. Consequently, it is extended every two related quarters Fulfillment of educational or administrative deadlines functional to the completion of the same tests.

CHAMPION OF ITALY – A set of fiscal measures has been introduced that include the extension and extension until 2021 of the IRPEF, IRES and IRAP concessions. The tax credit measure for investments made in Campione d’Italia is raised, which is also extended until 2021.

PRECARIES PA – Within the framework of the stabilization procedures for fixed-term personnel in the public administration, the minimum contract term of three years (even discontinuous, in the last eight) is extended from December 31, 2020 to December 31, 2021 years) in the administration that proceeds to direct hiring or announces confidential bankruptcy procedures. One more year also for the stabilization of the medical, technical-professional and nursing staff of the organs and companies of the National Health Service (for what remains possible to refer, for the computation of the last eight years, to the date of 31 December December 2020).

ELECTIONS AND REFERRALS- Extension of the term for holding the elections of the bodies of the metropolitan cities, presidents of the provinces and provincial councils; Until the renewal of the organs, the mandate of the incumbents is extended. The deadline for the adoption of the ministerial decree, aimed at regulating the methods of implementation of the use of the Fund for the experimental introduction of electronic voting, is also postponed to June 30, 2021. Finally, regarding the endorsements of the sheets with the signatures for the presentation of bills of popular initiative, the relative validity is extended up to 6 months from the end of the national state of exception.

STOPPED – The effectiveness of some special rules, issued to deal with the health emergency in prisons, is extended until April 30, 2021. These are the provisions relating to admission to the semi-release regime, the granting of premium permits and the execution at home of a prison sentence not exceeding 18 months.
