It’s official: the Euro 4 diesel block Alabama North italy, initially scheduled for October 1, has been postponed to January 1, 2021. The decision was adopted unanimously by the Regions concerned Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Veneto due to the effects caused by the health emergency (reduction in emissions thanks to the closure, extension of the state of emergency until October 15, economic uncertainty, limitations related to the use of local transport and persistence of smartworking).
Three more months to circulate with the old vehicle, therefore, but will be introduced to compensate for the slip of the block. measures to limit the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere, not only in terms of mobility but also in terms of heating.
Lombardy has announced its intention to promote smart work and introduce cousin for the replacement of more polluting biomass heating systems thanks to a regional contribution in addition to that already foreseen by the Thermal Account, up to a maximum of 90%.
Lombardy Diesel Vehicle Block – New from 2021
In Lombardy, permanent restrictions on movement are still active, in effect regardless of air pollution levels.
As of January 1, 2021, the driving ban will take effect. Euro 4 diesel in the Municipalities of Fascia 1 and in municipalities with a population greater than 30,000 inhabitants of the Fascia 2. In addition, the limitations of Euro 3 vehicles will be extended in Band 2 Municipalities and the ban on the circulation of Euro 1 gasoline in Band 1 and 2 will also come into force.
Temporary smog measures can be activated between October 1 and March 31 of each year. They are applied in Municipalities with more than 30,000 inhabitants of Band 1 and 2, and in two levels based on the continuous exceeding of the daily limit of PM10 (50 µg / m3) recorded by reference stations.
1st level measures are activated after 4 days of exceedance: all Euro 4 diesel vehicles (private and commercial) will be limited and there will be an invitation to improve smart work. Throughout the provincial territory where the measures are in force, the use of biomass plants up to 3 stars and the spreading of cattle slurry will be prohibited.
Second level measurements are activated after 10 days of exceeding PM10 limits. The possibility of limiting Euro 5 diesel cars and improve it smart work. A ban on the use of biomass plants up to 4 stars will be introduced throughout the territory affected by the restrictive measures.
Incentives for those who have to replace the car
To limit the inconvenience that will affect Euro 4 diesel vehicle owners from the beginning of the year, the regional administrations are planning an injection of resources to favor the replenishment of the polluting vehicle fleet. For Lombardy it is 12.6 million euros for 2020 and 13.7 million euros for 2021.