Fridge thrown from balcony, author identified


The perpetrators of a refrigerator launch were also identified and reported, later immortalized in a video that quickly made its way onto the web. The Flying Squad policemen, when analyzing these images, first identified the exact street, in the Tramontone hamlet, and sensing that the launch had been made from the third floor of the building, they knocked on the door of the apartment in question. Inside the house, a 57-year-old woman and her 15-year-old son were identified who, cornered, admitted responsibility for the episode. The new investigations made it possible to clarify the matter and identify the other two Taranto, the 65-year-old woman’s brother and 44-year-old friend, who together with the minor physically threw the refrigerator from the balcony. Instead, the woman made the video with her cell phone. The four were denounced in a state of freedom for throwing dangerous objects. Gianni Cataldino spoke about the episode: “The Melucci administration begins 2021 by contrasting episodes of discourtesy”
