Free webinars From Agostini Scuola, “The school restarts: towards a new educational project” with Carmela Palumbo, Alessandra Rucci, Mario Castoldi and Damiano Previtali


The school that restarts in September will be a different school. The emergency situation experienced represents an opportunity to rethinking the ways and means of “doing school”, not only as a response to the current situation, but also as an investment projected into the future.

The 2020/21 school plan urges us to ask many questions and develop research pathways for innovative solutions.

All the innovations introduced will then flow into the project document, the PTOF which, as a consequence of the emergency experienced and the new deliberate solutions, this year will necessarily be reviewed and updated.

the cycle of free webinars “The school is restarted: towards a new educational planning” was born with the aim of giving useful suggestions and indications for the restart of the new school year, both from the organizational point of view, but also and above all didactic, in particular for Didactics Integrated Digital. .

Discover the program

The first webinar, scheduled for September 8 at 5:00 pm, titled “Instructions and tips for back to school“It will be held by Carmela palumbo, General Manager USR Veneto.

The second webinar “Towards integrated teaching: rethinking the learning environment”It is scheduled for September 17 at 5:00 p.m. Mario Castoldi, Professor of General Didactics and Special Pedagogy at the University of Turin and scientific director of DeA Formazione.

The third webinar “The Integrated Digital Education Plan: guidelines and application”It is scheduled for September 22 at 17:00 Alessandra rucci, school director of the IIS Savoia Benincasa of Ancona, one of the founding schools of the Avanguardie Educational movement led by INDIRE.

The cycle ends on September 29 with the last webinar “What’s new in the PTOF: civic education and integrated digital teaching“By Damiano Previtali, director of the Ministry of Education in the Office of Evaluation of the Education and Training System.

Register now, there are still few places available !:
