A campaign of two million serological tests, the first in Italy completely dedicated to students of all levels (0-18 years and adults, if they are enrolled in secondary school), family members living together (including parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters of the students). , always up to high school), and to university students, provided they are assisted in Emilia-Romagna.
Starting Monday, October 19, the Region will launch a rapid and free screening, which takes place in just 15 minutes, available by reservation at more than 660 pharmacies, which have signed up from Piacenza to Rimini so far, but the number is increasing constantly. It will remain active until June 30, 2021, with the possibility of taking the test even more than once throughout the school year.
A massive epidemiological investigation, with which the Region further strengthens the prevention and control activities against the Coronavirus, was possible thanks to the agreement signed with the territorial trade associations of public and private pharmacies.
With a projected estimate of at least 400,000 tests in the first month, Emilia-Romagna is willing to invest significantly in the identification and circumscription of the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection: each test in a pharmacy costs the Service of Health 16, 76 euros, but of course everything will be free for the citizen.
“A campaign that potentially targets almost half of the Emilia-Romagna population, because while waiting for the vaccine, this battle against the virus can only be won with our ability to identify, circumscribe and eliminate any new outbreak in the bud – declares Raffaele Donini, councilor for health policies- An epidemiological investigation of this type is unprecedented in Italy, and we have chosen to focus these efforts on our children, on students of all levels, because we want a school that is as safe as possible. as soon as possible. And we carry out this campaign in our own way, as Emilia-Romagna has always done – Donini concludes -: free, universally, playing as a team with a fundamental component of our healthcare system, the affiliated pharmacies. We hope that the response of the public is maximum ”.
For now, 667 public or private pharmacies have already joined the initiative, 50% of the total present in the region, but the doors remain open for those who intend to do so in the future. In Piacenza, 65 pharmacies have already responded positively (66%), in Parma 77 (54%), in Reggio Emilia 76 (49%), in Modena 73 (36%), in Bologna 154 (52%), in Ferrara 49 (38%), in Ravenna 59 (54%), in Forlì-Cesena 69 (59%), in Rimini 45 (46%).
The modalities
I can access the free trial for all children from 0 to 18 years old and adults attending upper secondary school, with their parents, siblings and other family members living together. Not only that, because the Region also wanted to include another significant segment of the population: university students who have a GP in Emilia-Romagna.
To take the test, it is enough to make an appointment with the pharmacist, consulting the list of members on the website https://salute.regione.emilia-romagna.it/sierologico-farmacie, which will be constantly updated. In the case of minors, a parent or guardian must give their consent and be present at the time of the control, which will always be carried out in compliance with all safety measures, from the mandatory and correct use of the mask to the hygiene of hands on entry, from body temperature control to distancing.
The pharmacist will register the data of the person subjected to the test in the Regional Pharmacy Portal; In the event of a positive result, the citizen will be contacted by the Public Health Services of the Health Service to perform the nasopharyngeal swab.