Six people, including three lawyers and an employee of the Bari Court, were arrested on suspicion of defrauding the Puglia region: in the display of the Guardia di Finanza legal fees paid by the Region for thousands of Compensation disputes in agriculture from 2009 to 2016. The operation, called “Leguleio“It is derived from a complaint filed in May 2018 by the Governor of Puglia, Michele Emiliano: the suspects, a total of 21, the Bari prosecutor Roberto Rossi and the deputy Francesco Bretone dispute, in various capacities, the crimes of criminal conspiracy, corruption in judicial acts, interruption of public service, fraud against the State, aggravated fraud against the Region, various false behaviors related to the authentication of signatures, false signatures of deceased persons, false addresses, money laundering and self-lubrication.
The lawyer ended up under house arrest Michele Spring and the son Enrico Domenico, the lawyers Oronzo Panebianco me Assunta Iorio. Also arrested Oronzo Pedico, president of the provincial office of Asso-Consum di Barletta e Giuliana Tarantini, a public employee who worked in the mobile execution of the Bari Court. The investigating judge Giovanni Abbattista ordered a six-month ban against another lawyer, Francesca Fiore. The Guardia di Finanza has attorney also goods are worth more than that 22.3 million euros, amount corresponding to the value of the scams in question. In the records there are telephone and environmental tapping, records of people informed about the facts, documents acquired in law firms, in the homes of the suspects and in the Court.