Dramatic traffic accident in the Modena area, where a 31-year-old man from Manfredonia lost his life on the night between Saturday and Sunday.
The victim is Francesco Spadavecchia: the man, from Siponto who moved with his family to Carpi, was traveling on board his Alfa Romeo 147 when the vehicle went off the road at a roundabout. As ModenaToday.it reports, the impact was very violent: the event occurred around midnight and a half, along the ring road on July 12, 1944.
The impact with the vegetation was fatal: the driver was crushed inside the passenger compartment of the vehicle and died instantly. Firefighters intervened at the scene to free the man, but resuscitation attempts by the 118 health workers were unsuccessful. Municipal police They carried out the surveys: at the moment it seems that there were no other vehicles involved and that it is an autonomous accident, the causes of which are still unknown.
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