It sparked weeks of controversy. It was based on Giuseppe Conte the suspicion of having passed a law ad personam, rather ad suocerum. Due to this provision included in the Relaunch decree, approved last spring by the government, which imposes a single administrative sanction on hoteliers who have not paid the tourist tax to the municipalities, it has also benefited Cesare Paladino, manager of the Hotel Plaza, a 4-star hotel on Rome’s central Via del Corso, and mother of Olivia, the prime minister’s partner. That law, however, did not come out of Palazzo Chigi. “None mystery. I wanted the rule on the decriminalization of non-payment of the tourist tax, after a hearing in Parliament, and I asked my offices to write it. Or rather, many opposition and majority parliamentary groups, the Regions, the unions asked for it and I had it prepared and presented it as fair ”, said the Minister of Heritage and Cultural Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini, explaining the origin of the rule contained in the Ristori dl and that he was also able to use Paladin-
“Standard requested by all trade associations” – “‘No rule’ saves the in-laws’ or ghost handymen from Palazzo Chigi – Denies Franceschini – the rule was born in the Mibact offices because it is a correct standard me the prime minister didn’t know before I took her in cabinet, as good as me I knew nothing of the Plaza affair. The mystery, if anything, is how we can continue to feed ourselves background when we explained again and again how things were going, the last four days ago with a press release issued by Mibact ”. The head of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage continues to explain that “the modification of the regulations on the tourist tax introduced by Article 180 of the re-launch decree was result of a deep parliamentary debate that involved the majority and the opposition. The law responds to specific requests from unions and Regions, presented on several occasions to the Government and Parliament – not only in this legislature – to expand the hotel sector provision already in force for tourist rentals from 2017, which does not consider the accommodation manager as an accounting agent ”.
“It is not a rule that saves in-laws” – Franceschini thus rediscovers the process that led to the approval of the law. “During the parliamentary examination of the Cura Italia and Liquidez decrees – he says – several majority and opposition parliamentary groups (among these P.S, M5S, Fdi, Fi, Mixed Group) presented amendments modify discipline in this sense, also reporting it during hearings and with interpellations and interventions in the classroom. The legislative proposal was also present in the document with the observations of Federalberghi to decree law n. 18 of 2020 as well as, in the same terms, in the document with the observations of the Tourism and Hospitality Commission of the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces. The measure was inserted, as stressed and requested by all the operators and the different political forces, looking at the present and the future, not the past: on this, we are sure that the Judiciary find the right solution “.
The case of Paladino – The last passage refers to some cases of hoteliers who, using the standard approved by the Relaunch Decree, managed to have past convictions decriminalized. It is the case of Paladino who had been accused of not having paid two million euros of tourist tax to the City of Rome between 2014 and 2018 and therefore sentenced to one year and two months. A few days ago, however, the GUP Bruno Azzolini accepted lawyer Stefano Bortone’s request for accidental execution, revoking that sentence because “the act is not foreseen by law as a crime.” Establishing this is precisely the norm that Franceschini wanted. However, according to the magistrates coordinated by Deputy Paolo Ielo, the decriminalization was not retroactive: it does not apply to events committed before May 19 (that is, before publication in the Official Gazette). For this reason, they had opposed the request for revocation of the sentence, advanced by Paladino’s lawyers, who instead considered the rule retroactive. However, according to prosecutors, the new rule changes the position of the hotelier, who is no longer a debt collector, but is jointly and severally obligated to the client. “There is not The abolition of crime because the supervening rule does not eliminate the subcategory of people in charge of collecting taxes on behalf of a public body from the macrocategory of public service employees. “In the end, the gup agreed with the father of Conte’s colleague. In 2019 Paladino had returned the amount owed to the Municipality, along with compensation for damages. Prosecutor Alberto Pioletti and Deputy Ielo, who had accused him of the crime, had estimated the figures illegally withheld at around 300 thousand euros in 2014, more than 500 thousand in 2015, 2016 and 2017 and finally 88 thousand euros in 2018.