The registry office refused to change the name. “They say it’s too early and that we have to wait. We’re going to fight,” Lilie’s father explains.
“At the beginning in the school administration they were not convinced. They wondered if Lilie was aware of all this or if, instead, she was not convinced by us and was influenced, “explains Lilie’s father to The impression. A psychologist followed the girl for a few days in the classroom and in the end the regional school office agreed.
Lili has decided to grow her blonde curls and pierce her lobes, the depression is over and she is fine. To those who ask if it is too early to have sexual awareness, the father responds: “We also asked ourselves many questions and went to consult the LGBT associations in the area. They explained that at that age there is awareness and how. From that point on by sight. And then I said to myself: at 8 I knew very well that I was a child. “
In the family, made up of mom, dad and two other children (Lilie’s twin and an older sister), the novelty was easily welcomed, as well as in the town where the little girl lives. At the registry office, however, they refused to change the name. “They say it is too early and that we must wait. We will fight,” adds the father.