Tonight the videoconference meeting took place with the Ministry of Education for the presentation of the note, about to be issued, on the management of fragile workers.
The Palestinian Authority, in its speech, recognized the effort of the Ministry in trying to give a global settlement to a very delicate and deregulated issue given its exceptional nature, but underlined how the note was prepared near the beginning of the year. school, with consequent difficulties of implementation by school administrators. The representatives of the ANP highlighted the possibility that the number of uses to be disposed of within each school could generate problems and inconveniences, considering that the number of affected workers is certainly greater than that implied by the conditions. not exceptional.
Coming near the beginning of the lessons, the publication of the note is obviously urgent and cannot be postponed and it will be absolutely necessary to carefully monitor the effects of its application.
Even more urgent is a specific regulatory intervention: for the rights of all workers and for the guarantee of administrative action. These are two central issues for all school directors, who are called upon daily to manage human resources and ensure respect for the right to education.
Both for teaching staff, teaching staff and ATA with permanent contracts as well as for temporary staff – explains the ANP in the meeting report – in the event that an assessment of suitability with prescriptions is formulated, it is obviously the responsibility of the person in charge to comply with the prescriptions delivered and Adopt all the precautions and suggestions that are expressed by the competent doctor and compatible with the organization of the service. If the competent doctor, on the other hand, manifests a judgment of temporary disability towards permanent employees, it is necessary to distinguish according to whether it is an inability to perform some work activity, or an inability to perform the specific task of the profile.
In the first case, the employee is placed in the office due to illness.
Fragile workers, here is the inter-ministerial circular of September 4