The old age parameter alone is not enough to define a frail worker. They write it in one circular containing updates and clarifications in particular on this category, the ministries of Health, Labor and Social Policies. “You have to understand the greater fragility in the oldest age groups of the population together with the presence of comorbidities that may integrate a higher risk condition“By comorbidity we mean coexistence of multiple pathologies.
By law, the definition of a fragile worker is someone who is affected by multiple pathologies, immunosuppressed patients or cancer, as well as who is over 55 years old if, according to Dr. Inail, it is necessary “exceptional health surveillance»Provided by the general regulations for the protection of workers. To which are added those issued by the Coronavirus emergency in recent months. Directors are still awaiting instructions on how to accommodate requests from staff and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità is preparing a specific document.
September 5, 2020 (modified on September 5, 2020 | 11:19)