
In many school papers and company reviews, a concept that emerges with perseverance is that of the potential that each worker has, and that they see Smart Working as the most appropriate tool to develop it.
This approach starts from the resource-based view that highlights the resources available to schools as a means of maintaining and sometimes even expanding competitive advantage. This perspective, however, only partially adjusts to itself what can be considered the wide spectrum of phenomena that Smart Working takes in analysis.
The two perspectives of smart work
As has already been said, in fact, Smart Working is seen from a double perspective, which is not only the one that simply concerns the organization. In fact, never like in recent months, the immensity of technological changes allows us to lean towards an idea of a type of business activity that considers all the actors of the school, since they are united and connected with it, within the framework of the network society, as Giovanni Lorenzetto affirms. Theoretical principles, in fact, are certainly useful to inform those involved in the management practices, the organizational devices and the organization of the company, since the school is increasingly considered as a company and as such the work must be organized.
The theoretical level
If we consider the theoretical level, we can highlight four key concepts for the corporate design of our reference school. That is why some schools have decided to adopt practices to tackle the many uncertainties and build their own internal organization.
Design for adaptability
This is the path of dependency that forces schools to remain tied to decisions made in the past, bearers of vices that can invalidate a plan that must be broad and, above all, dynamic. It is necessary to have as a reference both the services and the products that, together, warn and respond to external environmental changes.
Design for autonomy
We refer to that control of the labor trend that is being implemented in the workplace and that determines the success of this approach.
Design for integration (and coordination)
Autonomy is problematic not only for a management more oriented to centralized control, but also for those who promote it in the workplace. This autonomy, in fact, when it gets out of control, worsens, becomes disorganized, runs the risk of becoming the prelude to a chaotic and unproductive context.
Designing for Knowledge-Sharin
This is the approach from which the school creates and manages the flows of knowledge and information, and which facilitates and supports research and the use of new shared solutions.
- Smart work and principles of this model
- These are the principles underlying the Smart Working organizational model:
- Obligation to warn and adapt to opportunities and threats from outside or inside
- Illustrate the dynamics of basic feasibility
- Share knowledge that transcends the limits of the organization.
- Facilitate integration and coordination
- Promote shared performance among workers
- Balancing centralized autonomy verification
The blueprint for understanding interactions in schools
The Viable Systems Method, therefore, as Giovanni Lorenzetto affirms, is the scheme to better understand the scheme of understanding the interrelationships between social, organizational and information systems that allows companies to face the difficulties that come from a complex environment and fragmented. It is a model based on self-regulation, information flows, multiple feedback, multifaceted internal and external communications, but, last but not least, on coordination, integration, adaptation and, finally, also on communication. control. A system can be defined as viable (self-sufficient, working) if it has problem-solving skills. And never like in this historical moment, the school needs to find solutions to multiple problems.
The work of the fragile staff
Being considered temporarily unsuitable means not being able to carry out any work activity and enjoying sick leave. However, the teacher may request to be used in other tasks (only in this case also in agile work mode, if the person in charge deems it appropriate), for example for the library and documentation service, for the organization of laboratories, to offer support in the use of audiovisuals and new information technologies.
The use of fragile personnel
The CCNI on the criteria for the use of personnel declared unsuitable for the function for health reasons, signed between the parties on June 25, 2008 (CCNI Utilazioni inadequate), establishes, in Article 2, paragraph 4, that “teaching and inadequate education for their own functions, they may request the use in accordance with letter a) of the previous paragraph 2. For this purpose, they sign a specific individual employment contract with a duration equal to the period of recognized disability. may appear at any time during the absence due to illness, provided that at least 2 months before the expiration of the period of temporary disability and, in any case, of the maximum periods of absence referred to in sections 1 and 2 of art. 17 of the CCNL of November 29, 2007 “.
The right of school personnel to be used in other tasks.
The right of the personnel in question to be used in other tasks arises explicitly from the aforementioned contractual provision, mainly in the school sector, taking into account the cultural background and the professional experience acquired. The use of personnel recognized as temporarily inadequate may only take place at the request of the interested party, who will be presented without delay, as a result of the suitability judgment, to the Director.
Report of the work done
An example of a circular and a report model necessary to verify, step by step, week after week, the work pre-organized by the director for fragile workers who have chosen to be used in other tasks, or, in the case of the personnel of ATA, by DS and DSGA, for teacher use in smart work.