Three or four stabs, but a lethal cut to the neck. Romeo Bondanese died Tuesday night, a 17-year-old young man from Formia, a soccer player for a local team, injured around 7:00 p.m. by another young man with whom he fought outside the McDonald’s in Via Vitruvio, in the center of the Pontine town. Two other children, aged 16 and 18, were injured. The first in particular would be serious and he underwent surgery for a thigh injury.
Formia police officers are investigating the murder of Romeo, who died shortly after hospitalization, at the Dono Svizzero: late in the afternoon a child was detained for investigations and another would be wanted. They appeared in via Vitruvio on a scooter pointing to the party of the victim sitting on a bench. Already on the scene, after first aid, the 17-year-old’s conditions seemed very serious..
Investigators are looking at video footage from fast food surveillance cameras, but also from a bank and shopping center near the Bruno Tallini Viaduct, to reconstruct the incident and find other evidence about the perpetrator. . It would be part of another group, it is not excluded not from Formia but from some nearby center, perhaps even already in Campagnia, in the province of Caserta.. An argument would have broken out with him and the others that the police are trying to clarify. The reason for the increasingly heated confrontation, which went from swearing to shoving, until a knife appeared is unknown, although it cannot be ruled out that there were more. Nor is it excluded that the violent confrontation may be linked to a history of drug trafficking.
After Romeo’s fatal wound there was a stampede of terrified youths on all sides. The street was full of people, also due to the concomitance of the evening massage on Shrove Tuesday. despite the fact that the place was already closed or about to close due to the evening curfew that forces the blinds to be lowered at 6 in the afternoon.
Just a few hours earlier in Naples, another fight on the waterfront between 6-7 very young people in via Partenope: a 16-year-old boy wounded in the hand by a stabbing weapon. Eight day forecast. The fight in front of whoever was sitting in the restaurant, but then gave up to avoid getting involved. A sunny day ruined by thugs. The public establishments of the promenade cannot suffer any more damage than those that have already brought them to their knees, so we require greater vigilance and presence.. – They explain from Confesercenti and Fiepet Naples – the last day of Carnival, there is sun, party-, a gathering of people was absolutely obvious. The protagonists of this brawl are criminals, scum without respect for others and for the city. Unfortunately, it is always the restaurateurs who pay, already overwhelmed by debt, already harassed by a year of Covid and a thousand restrictions.
Feb 16, 2021 (change Feb 16, 2021 | 23:29)