The Italian government has appointed former prefect and commissioner Guido Longo as the new health commissioner in Calabria. Longo was appointed today by the Council of Ministers following the resignation of Commissioner Eugenio Gaudio, which came just one day after his appointment, which in turn was decided after the resignation in quick succession of the two previous Commissioners, Saverio Cotticelli and Giuseppe Zuccatelli .
Longo was born in Catania, he is 67 years old and worked for many years in Palermo as a policeman, and then he became the chief of police in important cities such as Caserta, Palermo and Reggio Calabria. He was recently also prefect of Vibo Valentia, from 2017 to 2018. Longo is just the latest in a series of commissioners who have worked primarily in the police: Calabrian doctors and health experts had asked for a figure over different weeks trying to reconstruct the regional healthcare system, by far the worst in Italy.
– Read also: Where does the Calabrian health disaster come from?
Calabria’s new health commissioner is the prefect Guido Longo. A man of the institutions, who has already worked in Calabria, always in defense of legality.
– Giuseppe Conte (@GiuseppeConteIT) November 27, 2020