After days of arm wrestling in the most On the subject of regularization of foreigners employed in farming or as caregivers is domestic workers, it seemed that the government had reached a compromise agreement at night between Sunday and Monday: a six-month temporary leave, convertible into a work permit for the signing the contract, for migrants who work in the fields or in our homes. With a series of restrictions strict. Among other things, the employer who requested the regularization of an employee was expected to obtain one criminal and administrative shield for reporting the previous irregularities. But in the afternoon the 5 star movementthat was said contrary to a large-scale regularization, through the Assistant Secretary of the Interior Carlo Sibilia said the game “is not closed, there are no agreements and there is an open confrontation in the M5S and with the political leader Vito Crimi“And he particularly attacked the hypothesis of”to protect“:” No one understands how you can imagine a criminal and administrative amnesty For those who commit this crime, “the exploitation of black workers in the fields” has committed it and is going indicted By law. “And again:” Who do we think could go to the prefecture to say ‘I had irregular migrants in the field, I exploited them by making them work illegally’? “” No one can convince me that to solve a problem you have to pay a discount to someone, “added the vice minister of Economy on Facebook Laura Castelli. “The 5-star MoVimento is for legality, always.”
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There are two rocks on which the M5 broke the broad agreement reached last night, making the relaunch decree release still slip. In addition to criminal amnesty for employers who regularize blacks, pentastellate also opposes the possibility of the worker applying for a six-month temporary residence permit. Search for a job in Italy. The rule outlined in fact a double track in regularizations The first: the employer denounces an illegal worker and makes him emerge, with a remedy for all criminal irregularities and the payment to the INPS of a Lump sum. The second way: it is the worker who can apply for a six-month temporary residence permit to look for work. Anyone who has had a previous work permit, which has expired since October 31, 2019, can do so. To be regularized, the worker must pay the INPS a sum that is supposed to be around 100 euros. The M5 also slows this mechanism, as it requests that permission be granted only to those who have contract of work.
Then, half a day, after the news of the agreement, the 5 Star Movement issued a note to reiterate the no to “any intervention that takes the form of indiscriminate regularization” but also “to any hypothesis of amnesty about crimes committed. We can’t imagine who got dirty with it caporalateof exploitation from the people. This would also mean making fun of all those honest companies that have always respected laws and workers’ rights. If we want to give a strong and clear signal, we should embitter sanctions and greater controls. “Then the attack by Sibilia:” In this way, two negative messages are transmitted: on the one hand, it seems that it is not possible to prosecute those who commit this crime, while our law enforcement officers do it all the time. days, with commitment and dedication; secondly we tell the farmer honest be inspired by that world of criminals, of those who evade the rules, because in fact they are not being prosecuted. We, as M5S, have never supported the amnesty policy, on any front, let alone on this. For the M5S, the tough fight against the corporal is welcome, but none offender discountBe clear. There is no understanding for us. “
The positions: M5 against regularization, Bellanova pressing – In the last days, the Minister of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova He threatened to resign if the regularization demanded by the companies in the sector had not passed. The political leader of the 5 Star Movement, Vito CrimiHowever, he had reiterated the opposition of the M5 leaders to a large-scale intervention: “We say no to the regularization of illegal immigrants. If our objective is to support agriculture, then we must work on measures to guarantee the market, but the solution is not regularization, as if only irregular migrants were working in agriculture. “Hence the confrontation between the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conteand a delegation of exponents of Live Italy to Palazzo Chigi May 7. And other summits, the last of which is the night between Prime Minister Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority parties. That has not untied the knots. So much so that the council of ministers on the relaunch decree, in which the measure should have been included, seems destined to slip further.
Risk collection. In housework emergency layoffs – Agricultural business associations estimate a shortage of 200 thousand people for him collection. And of the approximately 300 thousand foreigners employed in the Italian countryside, the Observatory Placido Rizzotto estimates that 35% are illegal. While in the ghettos of different Regions, between 160,000 and 180,000 people live without health protection.
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Foreign workers, the unionist Soumahoro: “Regularize by state duty, not by convenience. No more fighting on our skin “
As for household chores, ASSINDATCOLF It has 860 thousand people in good condition and 1.2 million without contracts. The category largely addresses the coronavirus emergency: in April, hires fell 50% and the layoffs increased by 30% compared to the previous year.
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The appeal of a group of parliamentarians: “Don’t veto a proposal for civilization” – Meanwhile, this morning a group of regional deputies, senators, MEPs and councilors from all major parties – PS, M5S, Leu, Iv – launched an appeal stating that “the measures currently envisaged for the regularization of the Foreign citizens present in the national territory are completely inadequate and conditioned by one unacceptable propaganda“And the government and the majority” are asked for an act of courage and real discontinuity“We cannot think that it is part of one of their parties,” say MEPs, among others. Pietro Bartolo and Pierfrancesco Majorino, Laura MEPs Boldrini, Lorenzo Fioramonti, Nicola Fratoianni, Riccardo the three wise menMatteo OrfiniErasmus big house, Luca Pastorino and Fausto Raciti and senators Gregorio From falcoLoredana From PetrisDavid Pharaoh, Elena Fattori, Paola Nugnes and Sandro Ruotolo – “put a incomprehensible veto over a proposal for civilization “. Regularizing foreign citizens present in our territory “is a political common sense choice, the borders of the countries of origin are closed due to the pandemic and, therefore, there are no preconditions for any form of repatriation. Keeping people in national territory illegally means exposing them to the danger of marginalization and of exploitation for him organized crime, all the things that are convenient for those who obtain consensus on fear and xenophobia. “Therefore, the request is to extend the measure to all foreign citizens in the territory through a residence permit valid for all of 2020 and, in any case, until the end of the emergency.
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