Forced to grow, the new frontiers of the economy Live webinars. Recovery, Gualtieri: there will be no blockade


Forced to grow. The new frontiers of the economy is the title of the webinar that was broadcast today in the Caltagirone Editore group newspapers (Messaggero, Mattino, Gazzettino, Corriere Adriatico, Quotidiano di Puglia). Deglobalization, energy scenarios and innovation, the impact of the pandemic and the prospects for recovery at the center of the discussion with one certainty: the imperative “forced to grow” has never been more current. They also talked about the changes that are taking place in the international and national economy, and in the different productive and financial sectors and the necessary renewal in view of the sustainability objectives of the Green Deal and the development of the Circular Economy.

The first speech was from the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, which began by talking about EU aid to cope with the pandemic. Gualtieri defined the Hungarian and Polish veto on the launch of the Recovery Fund as “incomprehensible, incorrect and inadequate” and hoped it could be overcome. The two countries, Gualtieri continued, “will not be able to block the launch of an extraordinary program that benefits the whole of Europe.” “We are on the eve of a delicate and important transition, but I am confident that 2021 will be a historic year,” he added.

“I am sure that even this delicate and difficult step will be overcome,” said the minister then, speaking of the Month, the Save States fund on which in Italy there is still strong opposition from the majority and the opposition. “I am sure – he stressed – that after a thorough examination, Italy will do its part. If on the one hand we stigmatize the undue veto of a couple of countries” on the Recovery Plan “, it would be really paradoxical for Italy to do the same.

“The text is almost ready, you will see it shortly and you can comment on it,” said the Minister of Economy, speaking of the Recovery Plan. “We are working and soon there will be this amendment to the maneuver to build the governance that is a requirement of the Recovery,” he added. “I am fascinated by this debate without a text being submitted for comment. A debate based on reconstructions and antecedents that we watch with some amusement. “There is a very close dialogue with the European Commission, the plan is quite a voluminous thing,” Gualtieri continued, excluding reorganizations in government.

Carlo Messina, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo, focused on how money coming from the EU should be specific. According to Messina, it is necessary to focus interventions “on some things” that allow “to accelerate growth”. In addition to green and digital, efforts, Messina said, should be directed at infrastructures, “which immediately generate a GDP reset” and training. The head of Intesa Sanpaolo underlined then that “today it is essential to borrow, it is being done all over the world” but that the debt must be accompanied by growth otherwise it runs the risk of not being sustainable and “maneuvers on Italian savings will be necessary “. “The resources of the Recovery Fund must be used to reactivate the real economy and few things need to be done, not rainy interventions,” Messina continued.

The manager also talked about bank combinations. “I think that today there is an awareness that we have to accelerate, there are different players in the market that can be combined with each other. I think it is essential that this happens as soon as possible, because when there is a round of European consolidations, our country will have to have two or three strong banking groups that can position themselves as a leader in Europe to favor Italy in the European context.

Even the CEO of Eni, Claudio Descalzi, spoke of aid coming from Europe. “The funds from the Recovery Fund are a unique opportunity. I think that having funds is not enough, it is necessary to have mature projects, priority projects for the country that need to have the capacity to develop “avoiding” ideological choices and be
pragmatic. “It is essential, he added, to have” the capacity in the territory to develop “the projects and” have consensus. “” We also need to have the rules to accompany and develop new green, blue and organic products. The fund is important, it must arrive and I think it will come, but it must go through planning and skills to apply things.

Then the manager underlined the importance of the circular economy, which is crucial to reduce Italy’s dependence on imported gas and oil. “The circular economy gives us energy autonomy and also makes us cleaner. The funds are important but we need projects and competent people ”, he added.

Lucia Aleotti, a shareholder and member of the board of directors of Menarini, underlined the growth of the pharmaceutical sector in Italy and called attention to the policies that could boost the sector. Aleotti highlighted that Italy, with 32 billion medicines produced in Italy each year and 80% exported, has now surpassed Germany.

Giuseppe CastagnaCEO of Banco Bpm, said he is in favor of mergers in the banking sector and that the bank is ready to carry out another operation and create the conditions to create three Italian banking groups capable of participating in a European consolidation. It would be important, he added, “for the bank’s efficiency, to promote digitization and offer better services.”

Alessandra losito, Managing Director for Italy of Pictet Wealth Management, pointed out that there are sectors and countries in growth and others in great decline. The pandemic, he continued, therefore generated a decline and uneven recovery between countries and between sectors of activity.

Stefano donnarumma, CEO of Terna, highlighted that “Italy is in no way in a bad position in the energy sector and has a great opportunity to pursue and achieve the objectives. There is an integrated national energy and climate plan that foresees the achievement of 55% of the energy produced from renewable energies by 2030 ”. Donnarumma then pointed out that the goal to be achieved requires closing a gap, for example for photovoltaic systems, of 30 gigawatts of installations, therefore, substantially triple the number in a decade. According to the manager, it is possible “but a rationalization and acceleration in terms of authorization is needed.” Among the objectives in the energy field, mentioned by Donnarumma, is also the overcoming of the coal plants that goes hand in hand, he explained, with interconnections, such as those on the islands. “Thus, for example – he continued – one of the most important projects of our industrial plan, the Tirreniam Link, namely the connection of Campania with Sicily and Sicily with Sardinia, which would supply energy and transfer energy between the islands and the mainland “. A project that also contributes to overcoming coal.

Donnarumma then focused on the future of electric cars. “Whoever buys an electric car today is doing well and is a pioneer, although nowadays there is no context that generally leads to the development of the electric vehicle. But there will be. It is a necessity that will also be an opportunity for the intelligent development of the electrical network. Electric vehicles will circulate more in urban centers and the development of charging stations can be done, but it is necessary to adapt the network. It is possible, but there are limits to the impact it will have on cities. It will be necessary to study how to guarantee the absorption peak with the development of the smart grid that provides localized accumulations.

The President of the Veneto region, Luca zaia, spoke about the Vaia storm, which hit the Dolomites at the end of October 2018 and the reuse of wood from felled trees in a circular economy logic. Wind gusts of up to 200 kilometers per hour had caused the felling of some 2 million and 700 thousand cubic meters of trees, of which so far, Zaia said, a third has been reused.

Emilio Petroni, CEO of Sisalpay, spoke of the need to proceed with digital and cashless development, but explained that this must go “hand in hand” with the physical store channel. “The Italian consumer – he stressed – is a hybrid, uses digital technology but still loves going to the point of sale, especially in bars and tobacconists” where they get their cappuccino but also use our services.

The Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli, at the end of the webinar he spoke about European funds. “There is not only the next generation EU, there are also the resources of the budget law and the different EU programs” of Recovery. “The tools are different and we have to put them all to strengthen the resilience of the productive sectors,” he continued, speaking of the 110% refinancing of the superbonus and the Transition 4.0 plan, “two pillars” for recovery after the crisis. «Certainty is one of the tools that entrepreneurs are given to invest. Both measures – he added – need a certain temporal development ».

Last update: 12:18

