for tonight the anti Covid vaccine to 45 people. Then another 5 thousand between health workers and RSA guests []


Three doctors the first vaccinated in Prato: tonight the anti-Covid vaccine to 45 people. Then another 5 thousand among health workers and RSA guests

The vials arrived at Santo Stefano escorted by the police. Present Mayor Matteo Biffoni and Regional Councilors Stefano Ciuoffo and Monia Monni. The first to receive him was the director of the Daniela Matarrese hospital, followed by the directors of the Emergencies-Urgencies department and the Resuscitation unit.

The first 45 doses of the Covid vaccine destined for Prato arrived on time. At 9 am on December 27, an emergency blood and organ truck that left the Careggi polyclinic with the precious cargo, arrived at Santo Stefano escorted by two police patrols. Preserved in a cooler, the doses were left at the hospital pharmacy in the service building.

At 11 o’clock, in the transfusion center, the administration began with the presence of Mayor Matteo Biffoni and the regional councilors Stefano Ciuoffo and Monia Monni.
The operations are in charge of Dr. Alessandro Farsi, director of allergology and immunology, who shows us the first dose of vaccine.

The first to be vaccinated was the director of the hospital Daniela Matarrese, followed by the director of the Emergencies-Urgencies department, Simone Magazzini, and the director of the intensive care unit, Guglielmo Consales.

For them, as for all those vaccinated, 15 minutes of observation are scheduled immediately after the puncture. When leaving the room the applause of those present. “We are fine – said the director Matarrese – With great confidence as a hygienist I underwent the vaccine. We only felt a little pain at the injection site, as with the flu vaccine. In three weeks we will have the booster and we will be protected after 7 days, so it takes a month for the vaccine to take effect. I thank all the staff for allowing all of this today. “
Among the 45 vaccinated today there are also nurses, administrators, laboratory technicians and general practitioners. Young and old, calm and even playful.
Today’s amount, Vaccine Day, is symbolic. In the next few days the other doses will arrive to cover the 5,000 people in Prato, among health workers, operators and patients of the rsa who have voluntarily joined. If the contagion curve does not rise again and therefore the number of hospitalizations remains low, the vaccination will be carried out in the Santo Stefano wing where two Covid departments are being completed. “As soon as the doses arrive, there will be staggered booking schedules. – Matarrese continues – We are waiting for official news from civil protection. We have constant meetings with the Tuscany Region ”.

There are still no certainties about vaccination for all other citizens. Probably not until February. “We are training our staff so that they are ready when the doses arrive. Usca doctors will also do it, not just us hospitals to cover the entire population as soon as possible ”.
Mayor Biffoni called today’s historic day “a light on in a dark period. It is also moving. – explains the mayor – Between the pains, the pains, the anguish, the distancing, the closed companies, how many nights we have not slept. This morning, we breathe a sigh of relief and trust science. We must not lower our guard for a few more months but this morning is a great morning. ”

