Substitution of teachers and ATA 2020/21 course: meeting with unions – Ministry this afternoon. The subject of the information is the annual circular that recalls and specifies the rules for assigning fixed-term posts.
No MAD for those enrolled in GPS and school classifications
To anticipate one of the novelties presented by the Ministry in the circular (the circular has not yet been finalized with the observations proposed by the unions before being published) is the FLCGIL:
“It is planned that the MAD can be sent only to teachers who are not included in the provincial or school ranking “
For the Ministry, therefore, the MAD system changes. Until the last school year, the prohibition to present MAD for the province other than the one in the enrollment ranking referred to support.
Now, as anticipated, the ban would appear to affect all those enrolled in GPS and school rankings, both out of support and commonplace.
Annual, temporary and short substitutes granted, 2020/21: who assigns them and what ranking
Substitutions can be
• until August 31 (annually) for the coverage of chairs and teaching positions, in common or support positions, vacant and available until December 31 and that presumably remain so throughout the school year, which will be assigned until August 31;
•Until June 30th for the coverage of chairs and teaching positions, in common or support positions, not vacant but in fact available, carried out until December 31 and until the end of the school year and for teaching hours that do not constitute chairs or time slots, whose The term coincides with the day indicated annually by the corresponding school calendar as the term for teaching activities;
• temporary (maternity, illness, expectations) ending on the last day of actual permanence of the service needs or in any case the last maximum day of lessons established by the regional calendar.
The allocation of substitutes for the 2020/21 school year will be managed first by the GaE and in case of exhaustion or incapacity of the latter by the provincial and school rankings established in application of OM 60/2020.
The convocation
The substitute is attributed
• by the school office director in the case of GAE and GPS use (see school office websites for calls, no individual invitations are sent)
• by the principal in the case of use of school ratings.
When MAD are used
When the school’s ranking was exhausted, including the ranking of neighboring schools, the principal always used aspiring teachers who had applied for MAD.
The Ministry’s specification would introduce a substantial limitation.
The replacement conferred upon making it available is subject in any case to the same OM 60/2020 rules that are followed by teachers hired by the rankings.