for the judge it was a delusion of jealousy


Was acquitted Antonio Gozzini, the 80-year-old man who stabbed his wife, Cristina Maioli, to death a year ago. The Brescia Court of Appeal declared him not guilty because, at the time of the events, was unable to understand and want due to a total mental defect from “a delusion of jealousy.” Therefore, he accepted the request for the defendant’s legal defense, not present today in the courtroom. The prosecutor, on the other hand, had asked for life imprisonment.

First he kills her and then he tries to commit suicide

The woman, who died in the night between October 4 and 5, 2019 in her apartment in via Lombroso, was killed by the man while she was sleeping. According to investigators’ reconstructions, her husband first struck her on the head with a hammer and then on the throat with a kitchen knife. Immediately after the atrocious gesture, Gozzino called a friend and revealed what he had done: “I killed my wife.” Then he tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists. It was the friend who raised the alarm to the police.

The deep depressive crisis

Investigations revealed that the man had been suffering from a deep depressive crisis for several years, so much so that his lawyer, during the preliminary hearing, had requested the transfer of his client to the psychiatric ward of the Brescia hospital. While a few days before the brutal murder, Maioli had taken days of work leave for family reasons, probably to help her husband. The woman taught Italian at the technical institute where she met the 70-year-old man who, prior to retirement, had worked as a technical assistant in the Physics laboratory.

Killed partner: sentence cut in half because fueled by “emotional storm”

A similar precedent took place in 2019 in Bologna. The worker Michele Castaldo, accused of the murder of his partner that occurred in Riccione on October 5, 2016, received a sentence discount of 30 to 16 years. The Court of Appeal motivated its decision by stating that the murder was caused by “an emotional storm”. The Bologna prosecutor then decided to appeal to the Supreme Court. The appeal was then accepted and it led to another trial. The last one ended recently: the bis appeal confirmed the first degree sentence and the worker was sentenced to 30 years in prison. The motivation also specified that it should be excluded that “the passionate movement that invaded the accused at the time of the fact” could have had a “necessarily significant” impact on the crime.
