“It will be a good year if we take care of others. Besides the vaccine for the body, we need the vaccine for the heart. After the sciatica that prevented him from participating in the end of the year rites, Pope Francis still looks suffering while, standing in the Library of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, he recites the first Angelus of 2021, on the occasion of the 54th World Day of Peace . : «The painful events that marked the path of humanity in 2020, especially the pandemic, teach us how necessary it is to take an interest in the problems of others and share their concerns. This attitude represents the path that leads to peace, because it favors the construction of a society founded on brotherhood relationships. Each one of us, men and women of this time, are called to make peace every day and in all areas of life, reaching out to our brother who needs a word of comfort, a gesture of tenderness, solidarity help. “
“Remove obstacles that prevent us from caring for others”
“Peace is above all a gift from God; It must be implored with incessant prayer, sustained with a patient and respectful dialogue, built with a collaboration open to truth and justice and always attentive to the legitimate aspirations of individuals and peoples. I pray that peace reigns in the hearts of men and in families, in places of work and recreation, in communities and nations ”. But, he added: “Peace can be built if we begin to be at peace with ourselves and with those close to us, removing the obstacles that prevent us from caring for the needy and helpless. It is about developing a mindset and culture of “caring”, to overcome the indifference, rejection and rivalry, which unfortunately prevail. Peace is not only the absence of war, but a life rich in meaning, configured and lived in personal fulfillment and in fraternal sharing with others.
Thanks to Mattarella
Francisco then thanked President Mattarella “for the good wishes he addressed to me last night and I cordially reciprocate” and “those in all parts of the world, in compliance with Covid restrictions, have promoted moments of prayer and reflection: I am thinking about the march last night’s virtual event organized by the Italian episcopate, Pax Christi, Caritas and Catholic Action, as well as the one this morning promoted by the Community of Sant’Egidio in connection via worldwide streaming.
The appeal for the kidnapped bishop in Nigeria and the children of Yemen
And then his look at the world: Pope Francis focused on the kidnapping in Nigeria in recent days of the auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Owerri Moses Chikwe and his driver, calling for their release. And about the children of Yemen, victims “of a further escalation of violence. We think of the children of Yemen, without education, without medicine, hungry. Let us pray together for them ».
January 1, 2021 | 13:16