In Lombardy, the shadow of the red zone is approaching. Governor Attilio Fontana would be thinking of a preventive intervention, which could already be triggered with the new Dpcm next Monday, March 8, the same day that the vaccination campaign for school personnel will begin. The data on the progress of the pandemic are worsening and the Region fears that the change in color with the introduction of the “reinforced” orange spread to some fifty municipalities in the areas of Milan, Como, Bergamo and Cremona, in the end, will not be enough . Fontana would like to anticipate so as not to appear to be chasing the virus just yet. The governor seems to have nodded, when an exponent of the center-right majority that governs the Region pointed out that the daily leak of Lombard data on the Covid 19 epidemic now seems more and more a kind of agony.
Coronavirus in Lombardy, English variant for 64% of positives. The Nigerian variant was discovered in Brescia and the virus isolated

The Lombard vice-governor and councilor for Well-being, Letizia Moratti, had to admit today in her speech before the Regional Council that the English variant now affects 64 percent of new Lombard infections, compared to 54 percent of the national figure reported by the President of the Istituto Superiore. Say Health, Silvio Brusaferro. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, when explaining the content of the new Dpcm, does not beat around the bush. “The English variant has a particular ability to penetrate the younger groups. This has led us to determine that in the red zone the schools of all levels will be in Papá, as well as in the territories where the incidence rate of the virus is equal to or more than 250 per 100,000 inhabitants. “A circumstance that In truth, in the provinces of Brescia, Como, and in the municipalities that have moved to the reinforced orange zone since Monday, it is already a reality. Even if until now the global regional figure was still below, although each time more, of the limit established by the new Dpcm to activate distance learning in the red areas. By Friday, when the control room and the National Scientific Technical Committee make their decisions, the situation could get even worse. One thing is certain : schools are now under scrutiny.
Coronavirus, today’s bulletin, March 2 in Lombardy: 55 deaths and 3,762 new infections. The positivity rate is 8.9%.

The question of variants remains fundamental. Today’s news is that in Brescia the Nigerian variant was also isolated for the first time in Italy. Arnaldo Caruso, dean of the Italian Society of Virology and director of the Asst Spedali Microbiology laboratory in Brescia, emphasizes that these are “mutations that cause concern because they could confer resistance to anti-Covid vaccines.” Moratti specifies that “among the different laboratories that participated in the sampling there is a range that varies from 43 to 86 percent.” While regarding the other mutations of the virus, remember that since the beginning of the genotyping activities, 2,023 samples were analyzed and 978 cases of variant were identified, equivalent to 48 percent, of which: 18 South Africans, 10 Brazilians, 578 English and 372 compatible with one of three variants. Not to mention the figures released by the daily bulletin, which yesterday registered 3,762 new infections compared to 42,052 swabs, but above all a new growth in hospitalized patients. Thirty-five more in the intensive care units and 184 more in the other Covid wards of Lombard hospitals. Yesterday there were another 55 victims of the virus and the total since the beginning of the epidemic amounts to 28,458. The province most affected by the new infections continues to be Brescia with 884 new positive cases. Followed by the interior of Milan with 767, of which 303 in the city, 564 in Varese, 486 in Monza, 324 in Como, 148 in Pavia, 146 in Bergamo, 114 in Mantua, 100 in Cremona, 91 in Lecco, 54 in Lodi and 34 in Sondrio. Tomorrow the regional council will approve the resolution that should clarify the vaccination centers for mass vaccination from April.
Anti-Covid vaccine, in the schools of Lombardy begins from Monday, March 8 with teachers and staff
by Sara Bernacchia