New arrangements, direct and indirect, in the house of Big Brother Vip, the reality show presented by Alfonso Signorini in Canale 5. First of all the “live shows”, that is the passion that erupted between Giulia Salemi me Pierpaolo Pretelli. Therefore the “indirect”, which is the axis between Tommaso zorzi ed Elisabetta greograci, the latter was evidently upset by what happened between Salemi and “his” Pierpaolo. And why the hell are we talking about an “indirect axis” between Gregoraci and Zorzi? He soon said, because Tommaso, in different ways, is stigmatizing the love story between Pretelli and the Salemi born in the house, pointing a finger at them for the scenes pushed to which they lent themselves in favor of the camera. And so in this context is bouncing on twitter a video starring Gregoraci and Zorzi. A very short clip that “shows” how the alliance between the two was made a long time ago, when Elisabetta was still inside the house.