
First Giuseppe Conte during the communications to the Chamber of Deputies anticipates that for thefemale occupation a significant part of the resources of the Recovery plan. “On the employment of women, I welcome the commitment contained in the majority resolution approved yesterday and I assure you that a significant part” of the Recovery resources “will be used for this purpose,” said the premier during his communications with a view to the European Council of 15-16 October, thus reaffirming the commitment ofsingle check by and sons and the improvement of services to reconcile female work of working mothers.
New Dpcm, Conte: “We will not send the police home but the goal is to avoid lockdown”
New Dpcm, full text of October 13, 2020: all measures, from dinners to sports and clubs
Fedeli: “Women function as a strategic lever for growth”
Since last May, when even in the middle of the confinement it was clear that the highest price of the employment crisis due to Covid would have been paid by women who, with their work, inside and outside the home, had guaranteed all services. Essentially, we present and pass a motion in the Senate to commit the government to implement an extraordinary plan for the employment of women. Today, still in Parliament, the commitment to make policies to overcome the gender gap, the empowerment of women, the social and economic recognition of care work and its distribution, equal pay, equal employment and career opportunities continues , a fundamental strategic axis that runs through the six missions that the government has identified with the National Plan for Resilience and Recovery. This was stated in a note by Senator Pd Valeria Fedeli.
It is, he explains, “a commitment that within the institutions, which goes through the European and national civic mobilization to allocate at least half of the resources of the Recovery Fund to gender equality as a decisive lever for growth. That is why I too, along with many other women and men from politics, culture, information, business and the union, signed the letter to President Conte promoted by Il Giusto Mezzo and other women’s associations. We are faced with the historic opportunity to achieve the real positive change that is needed for the country, not for women but for everyone. An opportunity that is absolutely necessary to take advantage of now, “he concludes.
Pensions, fee 41 for fragile workers. From heart patients to immunosuppressed, that’s what early exit is for
Social beekeeping, early retirement, female option, layoffs, iso-pension and extension contracts. Here are the topics that will be on the table today during the remote meeting between the technicians of the Ministry of Labor (Minister Nunzia Catalfo absent) and CGIL, CISL and UIL.
Last updated: 13:21