Nino Spirlì, acting president of the Calabria region, signed the order with the new measures to be followed until November 13. Among the main measures, the suspension of second-grade secondary activities from October 26, 2020, stop traveling in the region, from midnight to 5 am the next day, limits caregivers of patients in the emergency room and relatives in RSA. and hospice
The acting president of the Calabria Region, Nino Spirlì, signed the ordinance with the new measures that must be observed in the regional territory until November 13 for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19 (CORONAVIRUS: EL ESPECIAL – LIVE UPDATES). The de facto ordinance updates the regional provisions of ordinance no. 73/2020 in accordance with art. 1 paragraph 2 letter a) of decree law n. 125 of October 7, 2020.
What are the main measures
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The text of the ordinance provides for the suspension of the activities of the second grade secondary school as of October 26, 2020; suspension, in the presence and with the possibility of activating integrated digital teaching, teaching activities in university universities, without prejudice to the lessons and activities that must necessarily be carried out in physical presence; stop to travel throughout the region, from midnight to 5 the next day; prohibition that accompanying patients remain in the waiting rooms of emergency and admission services and emergency rooms access of relatives and visitors to hospitality facilities and long-term hospitalization, care residences (Rsa), hospices, Rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for the elderly, self-sufficient and not, limited only to the cases indicated by the health management of the facility, which requires the adoption of the necessary measures to prevent a possible transmission of the infection.
The rules about masks
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The provision establishes “the obligation, throughout the region, to always carry respiratory protection devices, as well as the obligation to use them indoors that are not private homes and in all outdoor locations, except in cases where that, due to the characteristics of the places or the factual circumstances, the condition of isolation of the people who do not live together is permanently guaranteed and, in any case, without prejudice to the anti-contagion protocols and guidelines provided for economic, productive, administrative and social activities , as well as guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages ”.
Expected increase in beds
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It also establishes that “hospitals must increase the number of beds dedicated to caring for patients suffering from Covid-19 to 20% of what is provided in Dca no. 91/2020, within 10 days after the adoption of the new ordinance. “In addition, there is an obligation” for health workers from the Prevention departments of the provincial health authorities, in order to make more effective contact tracing through the use of the Immuni App, upload the key code in the presence of a positive case by accessing the central Immuni system. “In addition, for health workers involved in epidemiological investigations and contact tracing, the” obligation to use a computerized card to collect case data, search for the source of contagion and identify contacts, based on what is contained in the Covid-19 Emission Report n. 53/2020, specifying that the insertion of data in the Covid integrated surveillance web platform remains in the hands of the health and hospital authorities, through the specifically identified and authorized referents for access. 19 national and regional reports of the Covid-19 “.