Football chaos, League A: “Juve-Napoli can be played. Cases like this are expected, the protocol drawn up by the government and the FIGC is valid”


First the announcement of the stop the party by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, then the expected press release from Serie A League repeating what was declared on Saturday night: “From the protocol you can play the game”. With the Naples who, however, did not depart for the trip to Torino, remaining in quarantine in the withdrawal of Castelvolturno according to the latest provisions of the Local Health Authority of Campania. the chaos around the big game at 8:45 p.m. on Sunday between Juventus me Naples. A story that keeps both clubs and all of Italian football waiting for the possible consequences in the continuation of the championship.

“It has already been decided that Juve-Napoli will not be played. But we talk too much about football the important things at this moment are other“Are the words reserved by hope, to history and that seemed to put an end to the story born after the news of the positivism of two Italian players, Zielinski ed Diamond, and the decision of Asl Campaign to quarantine the entire team, which therefore did not leave for the first leg in Turin. But in the afternoon came the press release from the Lega di A, which changed the letters again: “The Council approved a specific regulation to be adopted in case of multiple positivity which can lead to the postponement of the matches only if certain conditions are met that, for the moment, do not apply to the Napoli case and there are no provisions of the state or local authorities that impede the regular development of the match “, read in the published text. And then it becomes clear why the ASL decision had to be interpreted differently: “In the present case Figc protocol is applied according to Cts and supplemented by the Circular of the Ministry of Health of June 18 ”. Liberation that can lead to defeat for 3 to 0 at the table of Naples that, unlike Juventus, will not be present in theAllianz Stadium.

The case of Napoli, in fact, is not the first that involves companies with cases of positivity in the squad or in the coaching staff that, nevertheless, played the scheduled matches: “This rule is the same one that was used several times during the season to allow, merely as an example, that Turin face Atalanta, that Milan go to Crotone or Genoa to play in San Paolo, and today Atalanta to go out on the field against Cagliari. The protocol provides certain non-derogable rules ” .

Sources in the Region made it known that it was applied protocol and exclude conversations about between by Laurentiis and the governor By Luca. They also say that, after the positive cases of Covid among their players, Napoli has asked for a opinion to the Region and the latter, which has exclusive competence in health, simply applied the contact tracing protocol, which indicates the isolation of the people who came into contact with the infected. The same environments underline “a legislative gap between health regulations and football regulations ”.

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Juve-Napoli can put an end to the championship: the postponement would be a precedent that would make it impossible to finish in time for the Europeans


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Juventus Napoli, Serie A League: “That’s why we have to play tonight”

