Fontana: «It is unacceptable that decisions are made with data from 10 days ago» – Video


Fontana: «It is unacceptable that decisions are made with data from 10 days ago» - Video

Attilio fontana

  • Wednesday 04 November 2020

“Let’s be clear. The new Dpcm that regulates the containment actions of the Covid, territory by territory, has come into force, based on 21 technical indicators analyzed by the National Technical Scientific Committee.” Thus begins the post published on his Facebook page by the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana. “Now – the governor specifies – it is an ordinance of the Ministry of Health, not of the regional administration, which, again based on the evaluation of the data by the CTS, must establish in which band each Region is located: Yellow, Orange or Rossa, with the consequent different restrictive levels ”.

“Until now – explains Fontana – nothing has been communicated to us by the Government and we do not know which” Band “Lombardy is in. From our information, the last evaluation of the Cts Monitoring Cabinet with the analysis of 21 parameters dates back to about 10 days ago. This is unacceptable. “” The evaluations – adds the president of the Region – must be made on the basis of updated data to date, taking into account the restrictions already adopted in Lombardy, the sacrifices already made by the Lombards in these 10 days to contain the spread of the virus and of which we register a first improvement “. “I insist – Fontana concludes – because, before establishing where Lombardy is located, the data must be updated.”

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