Foggia cries Ciro Campagna, Emiliano in the morgue of the young volunteer: “It is an atrocious pain”


It is the day of anger and pain. Foggia mourns the death of Ciro Campagna, the young civil protection volunteer who died at the age of 19, after being run over on the A16, where he was busy fighting a fire.

Civil protection colleagues do not give peace: “It shouldn’t have happened, and it shouldn’t happen to anyone. Ciro died like a hero ”, they explain through tears. “We hope that something changes for the world of volunteering, that there is more security. Ciro was always available, always with a smile ”, they recall.

Borrelli’s condolences: “It was an expression of the founding values ​​of Civil Protection”

This morning, the president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, arrived at the morgue of the Riuniti Polyclinic in Foggia, where the body awaits the release of the authorization: “It is an immense pain for everyone. This shows how the commitment to civil protection is never without risk. There are always new and unpredictable situations for these guys who work for our safety, to protect us in case of natural disasters, fires, floods, ”explains Emiliano.

Ciro’s, continues the governor of Puglia, is a “family already very tested by the premature death of the father and that is why I pointed out to the mother the closeness of all of us, of the Puglia Region, and of the will to support the family in this moment of irremediable pain ” | VIDEO
