It robs them of trust attracts her to his house and takes advantage of it strong in physical superiority. The incident occurred in July, and after the investigations carried out by the Operational and Radio Mobile Nucleus of the Carabinieri Company of Manfredonia, under the direction of the Foggia Prosecutor, in recent days the investigators notified the person responsible for the serious events, the order of the precautionary measure of house arrest, a 22-year-old from Foggia responsible for “sexual violence against minors”.
The research activity allowed to verify well two episodes of violence that the minor, only sixteen years old, was forced to suffer, even repeatedly and for a long time, violence that seriously damaged her physical, moral and psychological integrity, as is also stated in the order of the investigating judge.
The young man, in the last month of July, after having managed to attract the victim to his home, once in the house and taking advantage of the absence of other people, closed the door and started what for the victim was a true nightmare that started with hugs, caresses and groping.
The girl, despite having immediately expressed her amazement and disappointment, could not do anything against the physical prowess and absolute carelessness of the author of the insane gesture, thus being forced to suffer sexual acts and being defenseless against what was happening.
But the nightmare, for the young woman, does not end there. Also the next day, the torturer, thanks to another trick, he returned to attract the sixteen-year-old girl, who fortunately this time managed to get away and escape to the house telling everything to her parents.
From here, thanks to a delicate and meticulous investigation, the carabinieri were able to reconstruct history and collect all the useful elements from which the measure arose.