
VaccineAfter the first dose administered, fear now increases among those waiting for the second dose. So scared that many have phoned theAsl or the doctor to cancel the reservation for the second phase of the vaccination. All your faultn Serial number – apparently anonymous – that alarms many vaccinated throughout the country, with tens of thousands of doses already administered and as many withdrawn before being inoculated.
Red Zone Lombardy, Lazio, Veneto, Piedmont and 5 other regions as of Monday. Abruzzo and Tuscany nodes, white Sardinia
AstraZeneca, Rezza: “The Ministry of Health will send inspectors.” Seizure of nas from the lot blocked by Aifa
The risk of this increases with the passing of the hours. psychosis prevail over trust, after the three suspected cases by death of people who had recently been vaccinated with serum AstraZeneca. In particular, the batch with the initials is under observation. ABV2856, which refers to a total of 500 thousand doses (marketed both in Italy and Europe), of which the part not yet used has been seized by the Nas.
That batch of vaccines had largely been destined for School staff me police, especially last week and at the beginning of this week but -after the news of the halt ordered by the Italian drug agency- the chain reaction of doubts reached the switchboards of Asl me vaccination centers throughout Italy, with hundreds of phone calls in different regions.
Cancellation requests
«To call us they are fragile patients, who also ask to be calm about the administration of the Pfizer vaccine, as well as various cancellation requests in general or people who request simple information. We do not know how many people will be present tomorrow for the vaccines, “explain some doctors from the Catanzaro pole, puzzled.
The same occurs in many other structures, where local health centers and companies still explain that those who have the certificate with that serial number must report the adverse event to their doctor, pharmacist or on the national Vigifarmaco platform. Also taken by storm. “Avoid the second dose” is instead one of the most frequent phrases that is executed in the chat groups of the teachers of various schools. Like those in Campania, where several teachers are alarmed. In many, including several people report side effects such as nausea, dizziness, skin rash me Stomach ache – show your vaccination certificate with the same batch code and ask alarmed explanations from the directors, local health authorities and general practitioners. There are also those who, among those vaccinated, risk resorting to DIY remedies such as taking heparin, tachipyrin or other drugs.
“But there are those who do not answer the phone and even the medical guards who told us to go elsewhere,” explain some people who say they have “experienced adverse symptoms.” In several cases, doctors reminded patients that they had signed an informed consent stating that they “understood the benefits and risks of vaccination” and that “if any side effects occur, there is a responsibility to inform their doctor immediately. dealer and follow their instructions. ” But now, in all regions, controls are being carried out on patients who have received the doses from the prohibited batch.
In Campania, people who have been inoculated with these vaccines are being tracked and contacted for information on their conditions and any adverse reactions. From the first reports that are coming in, it would seem that there is hardly any case of adverse reaction if not minor, “but it is clear that we are at the beginning.” In Liguria, 6,300 of the reported doses have been administered and 5,500 have already been used with no serious cases reported: 23 reports of adverse reactions to AstraZeneca serum emerged from a preliminary survey, of which 9 refer to vials of AstraZeneca. that load. In the Marches, among the 1,750 people who received this vaccine, only two minor events occurred. In Tuscany the use of some unused doses has been suspended, but 15,743 have already been administered without any ‘particular criticality’ emerging. In Trentino, 2,045 of the 2,200 arrivals were used. Over time – and in the light of the expected investigations – fear is expected to become a simple suggestion, to move forward and run again towards the exit of the Covid tunnel.
Last updated: 22:20