Flu Vaccines Not Available: More Supplies On The Way, But Region Is Unloading Pharmacies


“If the influenza vaccine is missing in pharmacies, it should be clear that the Region has nothing to do with it.” “It is not our turn.” This is the beginning of the position of the Region, which denounces and discharges the problem of the lack of influenza vaccines in pharmacies. “It is the pharmacies that have to think about their offer, as has always been the case, although I understand their difficulties, at this time, to find the doses in the market – concedes the Councilor for Health Luigi Icardi, pressured by complaints from the basic doctors – ».

For this reason, “exceptionally”, this year “the Regions have made a part of 1.5 percent of their doses available to pharmacies, as required by the specific agreement reached at the Conference of Regions”. “For Piedmont this means 16,500 doses that are now distributed to pharmacies, available to the public. At the moment we cannot do more, because first of all our duty is to give free vaccination to people over 60 years of age and belonging to risk categories.

Doses already distributed

As for supplies to family doctors, adds Icardi, today another 120,000 doses are being delivered. “In total, therefore – observes Commissioner Icardi -, we have already delivered 900,000 doses of vaccine and so far more than 572,000 people have been vaccinated by general practitioners, not counting the 78,000 doses destined for local health authorities and hospitals for vaccination . health workers, RSA guests and, in some cases, citizens and children at risk. We are talking about almost 80,000 more vaccinations than in the same period last year. The vaccination campaign continues according to the methods agreed with the doctors, who are pressured by the requests, but who are responding to the needs with the maximum commitment and according to the reservation schedule.
