Flu vaccine: where to request it and who is entitled to receive it for free


Get vaccinated to help doctors understand what illness you have, not to crowd hospitals, but also to protect yourself from potentially serious consequences and train your immune system. The recommendation to defend against flu viruses even stronger with the current Covid-19 emergency. Vaccination will help in the differential diagnosis with respect to the coronavirus, but remember that the flu also has its impact in terms of suffering explains Fabrizio Pregliasco, researcher in general and applied hygiene at the University of Milan and medical director of Irccs Galeazzi in the same city. Vaccinating more people will also mean fewer hospitalizations. This year, the Regions are working to better protect the fragile population than in the past. They bought 17 million doses, almost double the average requirement of around 10 million. How and where to distribute them, respecting anti-Covid distances, the knot to be solved in these weeks. What about non-frail patients? They will be able to go to pharmacies, which run the risk of not having enough supplies.

The priorities

Who will start the injections? The Ministry of Health indicates the categories to be protected first, to which the vaccine is offered free of charge: who is over 65 years old, who has chronic diseases, tumors, low immune defenses, pregnant women, public service workers, people in contact with animals, blood donors. For this flu season the Ministry gives the possibility of expanding the t-shirts of the free even for 60-64 year olds. Several regions will do it, such as Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria, Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna. The recommendation was also extended to children between 6 months and 6 years and translated differently by health authorities. Piedmont, for example, suggests vaccination only for the most fragile, Lombardy offers it free to children 2-5 years old, Emilia provides it for a fee. Then there are those who have raised the bar to pressure citizens to protect themselves. in case of Lazio, what had i done flu is mandatoryand anti-pneumococcal for people over 65 and health personnel. Violators would be denied access to places like meeting centers and RSA (for the elderly) or would continue to work (for doctors and nurses). A decision against which several appeals were presented: tar has accepted one, effectively canceling the order. In Sicily, however, the obligation affects only medical personnel.


Required or recommended as it is, to get the flu shield the similar way. Need consult your family doctor – Pregliasco continues – and check the information of your local health authority, Ats or large area. Most doctors join the campaign and administer the vaccine to patients, organizing a schedule of appointments. The need to avoid crowds, to limit the risk of transmission of the coronavirus, forces us to prepare larger spaces. And so, in addition to the clinics, you can receive the vaccine in gyms, senior centers or tents in the square (the case of Milan). As an alternative to the doctor, you can contact the vaccination centers in your area. Lazio in recent weeks has also raised the hypothesis of the involvement of pharmacists in the administration, an idea on which the opinion of the Technical-Scientific Committee is expected and that makes the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists raise its nose . In the case of children, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician: in some regions the operational details of the campaign are still being defined.

The date

The Ministry has invited anticipate the start of the campaign: in Liguria it will start on October 5, in Emilia on the 12th. The difficulty in recovering the necessary doses, given the great worldwide demand, and the start-up of the organizational machinery makes it difficult to comply with this indication throughout the national territory. good book before december – continues the expert -, the vaccine takes about ten days to take effect. Usually, the peak of the epidemic extends throughout the holidays.

Types of vaccine

The battle against the flu has been brewing for some time. The decision on the composition is made in February. For two years, the World Health Organization has indicated the use of quadrivalent vaccines, which protect by four jambs. Basically a broader umbrella against the virus. What complicates matters is the fact that the vaccine is less effective in the elderly. In these patients,adiuvato, which contains a substance to further stimulate the immune response, or the high dose vaccine. In Lombardy, the nasal spray vaccine, until now never used in Italy, but very widespread in some European countries and in the United States. It contains live attenuated virus, adapted to live in an environment with a temperature lower than that of the body. Once sprayed, the infection begins. Then the virus dies.

Doses at the pharmacy

And who is not part of the categories for which the free vaccine? There will be the possibility of having a dose injected, as long as it can be purchased (the cost ranges between 8 and 18 euros). About every year 800,000 people go to pharmacies, which at the moment do not have enough stocks. The national health system has “requisitioned” supplies – says Pregliasco -, only 250,000 doses so far are intended for redistribution for private use. Very few for pharmacists. Different solutions are being worked on, including imports from abroad. L ‘use of the mask and respect for interpersonal distance then they will help curb not only the coronavirus, but also the flu.

October 4, 2020 (change October 4, 2020 | 18:17)

