Bologna, September 30, 2020 – At the request of the Region, the proportion of vaccines against influenza increases available in pharmacies for those who do not fall into the risk categories. Although Emilia-Romagna is the first region to sell more doses to the market, it is highly unlikely that the measure will be enough to satisfy a dizzying number of requests due to the coronavirus pandemic. The “ordinary” flu vaccination campaign begins here on October 12, and family doctors and pharmacists have already been attacked by those who would like to receive a dose but do not fall into the category of risk.
Vaccine, this is what it costs and for whom is it free
Bonaccini: “All regions double vaccines for pharmacies”
Anyway, Emilia-Romagna puts available for individuals in pharmacies territorial 36 thousand doses of the vaccine against influence equal to double the quota assigned based on the agreement reached by the State Conference of Regions. Therefore, going from 1.5% at 3%. Emilia-Romagna is precisely the first region to make available to private market a quota of vaccines remodeling the initial number that was 18 thousand doses. The increase in vaccination quotas requested by the region for this pandemic year is 20.85% compared to last year.
“We were already the region that gave the most to pharmacies, not much. But now we are going to duplicate and I think this should be done by all regions. This is the consideration that we are also making in the conference. “This was said by the president of Emilia-Romagna and the Conference of the Regions Stefano Bonaccini, in ‘Porta a Porta’ in Raiuno, speaking of doses of vaccine against influenza in the pharmacies, in Emilia-omagna equal to double the quota assigned in the agreement. “If the Government pushes even more – he added – we can help because it is okay to get vaccinated.”
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