The first 181,000 doses of the influenza vaccine have already been exhausted in Palermo and the province. Therefore, the ASP of the capital was forced to temporarily suspend the distribution and administration of the vaccine. The activity, interrupted by the delay of the manufacturing companies in the supply and delivery of 179 thousand additional doses already acquired, will resume in the first week of November.
The ASP clinics will continue with the influenza vaccination, exclusively for the pediatric population with the stocks currently present: on Saturdays, you can go directly to the “Pietratagliata”, “Pallavacino” and “Settecannoli” clinics, from 8.30 to 13.30.
The health authority of the capital, as mentioned, has distributed 181,000 doses of vaccine to its facilities and to free choice general practitioners and pediatricians who have joined the campaign. An additional 145,000 doses of quadrivalent vaccine and 34,000 doses of adjuvanted vaccine are expected. In total, therefore, 360 thousand doses of the influenza vaccine purchased this year by the ASP of Palermo, which is 30% more than in 2019.
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“Nicola Casuccio is reminded once again – explained the director of the operating unit of the Public Health, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine complex of the ASP of Palermo – that in our region the flu epidemic begins between the end of December and the first Days from January. Therefore, vaccination can be practiced profitably until the end of the year ”.