Flavio Briatore positive in Covid but the sentiment is negative


AGI – Flavio Briatore tested positive for coronavirus and the billionaire was a spreading outbreak of the disease. Users on social networks are very active, with conflicting opinions on many issues and even question the disembarkation of migrants. Briatore was presented at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan to treat a recurrent disease (prostatitis), and underwent nasopharyngeal swab for Covid detection, which gave a positive result.

The owner of the Billionaire has followed the indications of the standard protocol that provides for hospitalization in isolation and the use of the necessary personal protective equipment in these cases. In addition to Briatore, about 60 club staff have tested positive for the virus, and about 3,000 patrons will be called in for swabbing.

Social reactions

The fight broke out on social media with 60,000 conversations and 117,000 shares in just two days; audience divided between those who blame the Piedmontese businessman for overly casual and reckless attitudes, and those who do not rage, trusting in his speedy recovery. There are even those who invoke “divine justice”, however, drawing a lot of criticism on social platforms from the audience.

Many return to the events of recent days, and take up the recent controversy with Roberto Ragnedda, Mayor of Arzachena and the ordinance that prohibits after midnight “any form of broadcasting of music live and / or played outside”, to avoid meetings . Usually there are many conversations that are characterized by negative emotions and strong hostility towards what is considered one of the main meeting points of the “night life” of the Costa Smeralda, and its patron.

It starts from the irony of #prostatitis, to the superposition of very different topics, such as the landing of hypothetical migrants carrying viruses. The analysis of the audience in social networks shows contrasting elements, confirming opposite positions, often with very bright and severe tones.

Among the phrases most used by users on the net, in fact, we find “Forza Flavio”, “good luck” and “good recovery”. However, deepening the analysis of the emotions that can be obtained within the publications, we also found 21% of happiness for what happened, and 46% of disappointment. There are those who question Karma and those who make fun of Dr. Zangrillo’s statements about the virus; those who do not want to associate the image of Sardinia with the billionaire.

The contagion of Flavio Briatore unleashes different positions between sensitivities of all kinds: generalized hatred – there are those who even propose the phrase of former minister Diliberto: “The multimillionaire full of TNT” – but also a revenge to the vast front of the so-called deniers and conspirators to which, evidently, many place the Piedmontese businessman. Disappointment also characterizes conversations about migrant landings, to the point that one of the most common phrases at the same time is “full hotspots.”

The political forces obviously did not avoid the discussion: the League was very active with 55% of the comments, taking advantage of it to attack the Government, journalists and intellectuals, guilty, according to the official account of the party, of discriminating among those infected, depending on of political origin. The theme of the landings is also relaunched by the story of Matteo Salvini. to provoke discussion and gain participation.

Center-right forces and some prominent exponents such as Daniela Santanchè (linked to Briatore by a strong friendship) are particularly active on the issue of infections, using the argument to pressure the government and the majority forces. Carlo Calenda and his party, Action, confirm that they use social platforms as a communication asset, publishing 15% of the contents. Salvini, Meloni and Calenda are the authors of the most shared content on Twitter, clearly distancing the rest of the politicians who intervened.
