Five stars disappeared in the north In one year collapse of 75%


Twenty to four, actually three. The M5S “disappears” from the north in less than a year. In the places designated to collect territorial applications, the Five Stars entered in few cases and with difficulty. “Percentages of the telephone prefix,” Grillo once said, but the data that in the regional councils of Emilia-Romagna, Valle D’Aosta, Veneto and Liguria, the Movement disappeared. And now, in four regions that represent more than 11 million Italians and a good part of the country’s GDP, the Five Stars are barely present.

The Post-Politics 2018 movement upside down almost everywhereBut never before has the shrimp jump been as significant as this year. In Veneto there was an increase from 5 directors elected in 2015 to 0. Zero also in Valle D’Aosta (from 4). Two in Liguria where there were six and two in Emilia-Romagna (but a councilor, Giulia Gibertoni, left the group two months after the elections). To think that only in autumn 2018 the M5S was able to elect three directors in Trentino Alto Adige (two in Trento and one in Bolzano (, but now the Trentino group has disbanded and only one South Tyrolean remains).

Signs of a collapseHowever, they were already evident at the time of the yellow-green government: in April 2018 the Movement had gone from 5 to 4 elected in Friuli Venezia Giulia and in 2019 from 8 to 5 in Piedmont. In total, net of the defections that occurred later, the M5S managed to place 16 regional councilors throughout the North excluding Lombardy (they have 13 elected in conjunction with Politics): two less than the 18 parliamentarians elected in the only Calabria. A collapse of 55%., 75% if we consider only the last year. And in the Movement there are those who point out that two ministers, Federico D’Inc and Stefano Patuanelli, and the undersecretary of Palazzo Chigi (Riccardo Fraccaro) are from the north. “When managers in a company lose 75%, are replaced and sometimes ask for damages, here they smile and remain seated in their chairs,” says a pentastellato.

September 24, 2020 (change September 24, 2020 | 12:07 pm)

