“Five slices of meat for 8 people and without a stove because it consumes too much”: thus in one of the family houses within the investigation


Entrance to the foster home.

Investigation into corruption in the reception of minors in Massa Carrara, the stories of a woman who lives in front of a family home run by the Serinper cooperative: I myself accompanied a girl to the carabinieri

DOUGH. At number 3, via Caglieglia, you will find one of the family houses managed by the Serinper cooperative. Since yesterday he has been detained after the investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office. It is called “Appartamento Stefano Benassi” and for years it has belonged to the Benassi family who dedicated these rooms to Stefano, who died in a quarry accident in 1999, created to house families in difficulties.

The inhabitants of Caglieglia, a handful of altruistic neighbors, of that family home, experience life, death and miracles. Augusta Ciuffi She lives with her husband in front of number 3 and remembers all the faces and the names of the children who spent many years there: «They came from all over the world – she says today – Senegal, Morocco, but also from the south of Italy; all women with minors. I remember a young mother with three children, one of whom is sick; a grandmother who had two grandchildren in foster care, then three single sisters, and another mother with an 8-month-old baby. Many have passed, I remember each of the stories. The girls often slept at my house, ate at my table. The whole town, the parish priest, the neighbors helped them because nobody took care of them. They did not want them to leave the house – continues Mrs. Ciuff – They were always hungry, they told us they did not eat. Only three cookies a day and a glass of milk for breakfast; Then they had to share a meager expense, a chicken leg each, or 5 slices of turkey, even if there were 8. We brought them sugar and salt, they only had tomato sauce and packets of pasta. The children did not eat vegetables. They didn’t have glasses, they washed the plastic ones; They did not have radiators, they heated themselves with the telephone and when we gave them an electric stove, they made them throw it out, because it consumed. The families, in turn, slept in a large double bed and in a small room with a bunk bed, crowded together; The bathroom is in the kitchen, the stairs are steep. We have never seen a social worker come up, never a doctor. We made charges to pay a child’s dentist; we called a pediatrician to visit the malnourished baby; Don Antonio, the parish priest, bought backpacks, notebooks. We secretly gave him sandwiches and we hid in our house the things that the people of Caglieglia gave away because they threw everything away ».

But the memories and the stories are many and today they are clearer: «Once- concludes Mrs. Ciuffi- they talked about the measures they used to silence them, when they had tantrums (which in the ordinance are called ed containment measures). ): they were made to lie face down on the floor and sat on them until they stopped crying. One day I took one of these girls and took her to the carabinieri. Together we denounce some events that occurred in that department and especially the lack of food. But you don’t know how many reports we’ve done over the years; how much help they asked politicians and institutions and how many people have seen this situation with their own eyes. Tonight in Caglieglia we will celebrate ».
