
There are five victims of the coronavirus in the social center for the elderly “Father Francesco Pianzola” of Mortara, in the province of Pavia, where an outbreak has been identified among the nuns present in the structure. In recent days, all the sisters in the center had been Hispanic, 55 of which tested positive for the virus.
The sisters transferred to a specialized center
Today the news of five deaths after which the Ats of Pavia ordered the transfer to a specialized center of the majority of the sisters who tested positive: “Starting tomorrow – explained the general director of Ats Mara Azzi – as many as possible will be transferred to a center of hospitalization, a solution that became necessary in relation to the high number of positive operators, which poses a problem of continuity in assistance ”. Azzi explained that in recent days there had been no alarm bells, it was the sudden symptoms manifested by some of the nuns that started the tracking and subsequent swabs.
Most of the sisters are over 80 years old.
The general mother, for her part, stated that “several sisters are attracted and already had a complex clinical picture.” In addition, another fact that plays against their health conditions after the Coronavirus infection is age: “Most are over 80 years old,” said the mother sister, who inevitably hopes that, “considering the evolution of the infection, some situations could worsen in the coming days ”. At this time this is the largest outbreak detected in the province of Pavia.
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