
L ‘Rt index, that is, the rate of transmission of contagion from Coronavirus, Come up again Italy. This is clear from the latest weekly monitoring report of the epidemiological situation in our country prepared by Higher Institute of Health and Ministry of Health. At the national level, the Rt index went from 0.86 7 days ago to 0.90 today, dangerously approaching the guard threshold of 1, which has however been exceeded by two regions, namely Molise me Veneto.
It is above all the latter that worries the experts. The Veneto region has, in fact, a point RT that is compatible with one typical scenario 2 and it is located for the third consecutive week in high risk with a very high incidence, with 496 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, almost triple the national average. Therefore, the record says, “it is again urged to urgently apply the measures provided for this level of risk in the document” Prevention and response to Covid-19. “Among the high-risk regions, in addition to Veneto, there are also Liguria, Marche, Apulia, Umbria. Another 12 autonomous regions and provinces are classified as moderate risk, of which 4, that is, Emilia-Romagna, Molise, PA Trento me Aosta Valley, they have a high probability of progressing to high risk in the next month if the current transmissibility remains unchanged. Finally, four regions are classified as low risk. There are also thirteen regions beyond the critical admissions threshold. “This situation – continues the document – confirms the need to maintain the line of rigor of Mitigation measures taken over the Christmas holidays. “
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