First week of classes, dozens of lessons for Covid throughout Italy


Words of hope – The Minister of Health, Roberto, Speranza, is optimistic. “Nobody has a magic wand, nobody can work miracles, but the country is strong and it is showing that it can also win this game of reopening schools,” he said.

The next reopening – After the resumption of the lessons on September 14, in which 5.6 million students participated in almost all of Italy, next week the schools will reopen on the 22 in Sardinia, on the 24 in Calabria, Puglia, Abruzzo, Basilicata and Campania . And yet, the difficulties in finding spaces and materials, or the need to carry out a deep cleaning after the vote on Sunday and Monday, has led many municipalities to postpone.

Someone decides to postpone – In Lazio alone, according to a figure from school unions, a third of schools have not reopened. In the municipalities of Andria, Trani, Adelfia and Bitonto, the mayors have decided to postpone the opening from September 25 to 28; in Torre del Greco (Naples) the reopening was postponed even until October 1; on the 28th, the class will also return to Torre Annunziata (Naples). The restart of the school year, in short, between viruses and bureaucratic complications, remains irregular.

Some cases – At the Liceo Classico “Pellegrino Rossi” in Massa, 24 classmates, four friends and six teachers were quarantined at home after a positive response to Covid-19 from a school student. In Rapallo, a student from the “Liceti” technical institute tested positive and, pending confirmation of the hyssop, the director ordered that the whole class not enter. In Trieste, a student at U. Gaspardis primary school tested positive and three teachers and 21 classmates are now in fiduciary isolation.

Protest to Rome – Added to this is the shortage of staff, spaces and counters, although the distribution of the latter continues: in the last few hours, 88,000 counters have been distributed in Abruzzo, 3,500 in Turin. Meanwhile, a hundred parents from a secondary school in Rome’s Prati district, the same one attended by the son of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, protested against the decisions made by school leaders for the beginning of the year, i.e. , one school day per week for the second average and two days for the first and third.
