First two students positive for coronavirus in two schools in Ravenna


Following an epidemiological investigation linked to family contacts, two school-age youths tested positive for Covid-19 swab. In one case it is a student of an elementary school, in the other a student of the State Technical Institute of Surveyors ‘Camillo Morigia’ in via Marconi.

The anti-contagion school security protocol was immediately activated and the Ravenna Public Hygiene staff carried out inspections in the two institutes, verifying in both a very strict compliance with the provisions aimed at avoiding contagion (distancing and proper use of the mask) . Consequently, no close contacts with the two positive aspects were identified in the school environment, neither between students nor among school personnel. For them, therefore, isolation is not envisaged, but rather a swab for primarily cognitive purposes.

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The oldest, who attended the Morigia, had cared for two classmates in an after-school setting and was only for him in an isolation house with active surveillance.
