First swab in a 14-year-old student The school plan is activated, results in 9 hours –


Not even the time of the first bell that even the first tampon arrived on time. On Monday, September 14, a 14-year-old student appeared at the Bolognini hospital in Seriate: the student accused suspicious symptoms, so much so as to activate the machine of the buffer lines dedicated to the students and announced in the last hours by the Region .

A machine that allows students to present themselves at the buffer points with a simple self-certification signed by the family, without having to go to the pediatrician.

A phone call to the doctor is all that is needed, and from the school, parents can accompany the child directly to the hospital for evaluation.

The result of the examination, Pirellone says, must be communicated before 11 p.m. that same night, and the report must be published online in the electronic medical record. Yesterday the procedure was started for the first time, and we already know that the script will inevitably be repeated in the coming days. According to regional directives, the three Bergamo Asst must guarantee the tests for students every day from Monday to Saturday from 9 to 14, and in any case for no less than four hours a day.
