
“Regardless of who wins between Eugenio Giani and Susanna Ceccardi, if indeed the League was confirmed as the first match in Tuscany, after Emilia Romagna and Umbria, it would be the end of the old world ”. So Annalisa chirico commented to RadioNews24 about the first exit polls on regional elections. It all depends on the head-to-head in Puglia and, above all, Ceccardi’s comeback attempt in Tuscany, where the Northern League player appears to be starting three points behind. For the journalist of Paper However, it is clear that, even in the event of a narrow defeat of the candidate for governor, the League could establish itself as the first party, as has already happened in other left-wing forts. Among other things, Chirico said he was curious “to know the results of the League in Puglia and Italia Viva en Toscana”, with Matteo renzi that could have sanctioned his definitive political disappearance. Finally, the journalist spoke about the possible national consequences of this electoral round: “I do not foresee changes in Rome because the strength of this government lies in its weakness ”.
