“First doses in early 2021, we see the light at the end of the tunnel”


Covid Vaccine, Hope:

About treatments and vaccine anti COVID-19 “The data that we are beginning to receive from numerous companies that have investigated in recent months and are already implementing a significant production, gives us hope. We begin to see a light at the end of this tunnel: the first doses are expected in early 2021. The distribution will look like the first beneficiaries are health personnel and then the people from the hospital and RSA. The Minister of Health said: Roberto Speranza, who spoke at the meeting European Union faced with the challenge of Covid 19.

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“I want to have a prudent approach: formal steps must be followed. We have institutional agencies, at national and European level, which must follow procedures with the utmost caution. Both for me. vaccinations both for care. But the data that we have been reading in recent weeks gives us hope, “he added. “We are in a difficult epidemic to manage,” said Speranza, and since last February “Italy has stressed the need for European coordination. Such a difficult game cannot be won only at the national level, but a strong international coordination is needed ”, he recalled. Over the weeks “this coordination has been growing,” said the minister.

The restrictive measures, Speranza adds, “are the only real tool we have now to lower the contagion and bring it under control. It is evident that they cause sacrifices at an economic and cultural level, but as the preliminary figures of the last days in our country show, they turn out to be effective. We have, in the last week, a level of Rt, or infection spread index, decreased compared to the previous week and new data will be presented today ”.

Three vaccinations since January

“In the course of 2021 we will have 6 or 7 vaccines and I am reasonably optimistic that by at the end of January we will already have 3 authorized and ready to be released. Then the ball will go to the local structures and member states so as not to frustrate the fast race that has been made. Guido Rasi, former executive director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), said this during the webinar The European Union faces the challenge of Covid-19, organized by the Office of the European Parliament in Italy.

Last updated: 12:39

