With a circular, Viminale’s Chief of Staff, Bruno Frattasi, fills a gap in the Christmas Decree and the last Dpcm that lacked specific sanctions. The document refers to article 4 of decree law number 19 of 2020, which says: “Unless the act constitutes a crime, failure to comply with the containment measures referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, identified and applied with adopted by virtue of article 2, paragraph 1, or article 3, is punishable by an administrative sanction of the payment of a sum of 400 to 3,000 euros and the violations provided for in article 650 of the Penal Code or by any other provision do not apply of the law that confers powers for health reasons, referred to in article 3, paragraph 3. If the breach of the aforementioned measures occurs due to the use of a vehicle, the penalties are increased by up to a third.