First passengers paying on board, seven and a half minutes of travel, everything goes smoothly. Clear indications, few people traveling given the moment and therefore enough space for all users.
Fully automatic, with more than a third of the energy needs supplied by photovoltaic panels, People Mover is the first monorail in Italy to connect the high-speed rail network with one of the ten main national airports for passenger traffic.Here it is in motion: Bologna, the People Mover has begun

The new link begins in the worst period in the history of railways and air links. Yet another misfortune that adds to the more than bumpy road of this vehicle designed in 2009. Precisely because the period is for very thin cows, the People Mover will leave with only one car plus one to support in the desirable case that many passengers choose. to travel on the flyover that covers more than 5 kilometers between Centrale and Marconi. The cost of the ticket is 8.70 euros one way.
The frequency will be a quarter of an hour and the capacity of each wagon will be limited to 50% as required by health regulations. All this translates into the fact that only 24 people will be able to ride each trip. As mentioned, the infrastructure will also serve the Lazzaretto, the station where the wagons will cross and then resume the single track. For those who live in that area of the Navile district, the People mover can be an ultra-fast way to get to the center by paying an entrance fee of 1.70 euros.
However, it will not be possible to get on the Lazzaretto and go to the airport. Tickets can also be purchased online through the existing “Roger” and “Mover” applications.

It has been said of the beginning in a reduced tone. Initially it was planned to go out with two wagons and a third carrier in case of high demand. In addition, it was planned to buy a quarter given the optimistic forecasts of traffic expansion in Marconi. Covid has scaled down these projects. On the other hand, the Municipality could not postpone the start of the People mover since, given the obtaining of all the authorizations, the “Marconi express” could resort to an eventual postponement.
Considering the times, the budget will be lost, but the entire public transport sector is in the red given the limitations in travel and in the capacity of the vehicles. In Emilia-Romagna, the sector loses a total of 30 million per month. On a national scale, “Astra”, the association of transportation companies, estimates the loss at 1.7 billion at the end of the year, while Confindustria even estimates it at 2 billion. With the launch of People Mover, a change will also be implemented in the Aerobus Blq route. By contract, there will no longer be a public transport line connecting the center and the airport. So the same Aerobus, in the end year, it will be reduced to the urban line that will depart from the Maggiore hospital to go to Marconi, serving the axis of via Emilio Lepido and the area of via del Triumvirato with hours starting at 5 in the morning. The service will also be useful for airport employees who want to get to their workplace by public transport via line 13 to Maggiore and then thanks to the new service.