The president of the FIGC, Gabriele gravina spoke to the microphones of Radio Rai Uno talking about the current status of the Serie A championship, the ruling on Juve-Napoli and the possibility of including the playoffs in Serie A.
JUVE-NAPLES – “The ruling of the College of Guarantees on Juventus-Napoli? It can only be regretted that at this time there is little dialogue and mortification for the highest level jurists of which both the National Court and the National Court are integrated and for a professional of the highest quality such as Gerardo Mastrandrea, sports judge of the Serie A League ”.
PLAY OFF – “The time has come not only for the playoffs. The new restructuring of the format should not affect only the final phase. In the first new program there are several important points, starting with the reform project that was blocked in February when the pandemic “.
SUSTAINABILITY – We must also recover the sense of sustainability of the system and recover the sense of inner relationship. We will do it with an important appointment, which we have not done for many years: for May my idea is to convene an extraordinary assembly to include “Within the statute those fundamental principles that signal a renewal of Italian football.”
REOPENING STAGES – Much depends on the development and evolution of the pandemic, but above all on the effectiveness of this vaccine that is now beginning throughout Europe. The hope is to see viewers again as soon as possible: in this sense we ask for equal treatment and equal dignity between the different social categories “.
LOSSES – “How much have we lost in 2020? Very similar to FIGC but my thinking is focused on leagues and championships, because the box office was one of the most important items of our income. Only in Serie A, losses of 4-500 are estimated. millions of euros”. .