“Few guests and no travel between Regions” – Corriere.it


Giuseppe Ippolito, Scientific Director of Spallanzani and member of the CTS, does the slow decline in infections confirm that today the only obstacle to the epidemic is forcing people to stay at home?
Without so-called non-pharmacological measures, such as distancing and limiting movements, this pandemic cannot be addressed. The decrease in infections was the best indicator of the effectiveness of the measures taken in our country, similar to what happened in other European countries that have had the courage to adopt and maintain them despite complaints and protests.

If the RT falls below unity in the coming weeks, could progressive reopens begin?
The government will decide the measures taking into account the monitoring data. In any case, I exclude that we all have to get to a free lair.

Christmas content?
It is not for Christmas that you have to use different measures. These days, all countries are evaluating the risks of vacations based on the dynamics of the pandemic. In the US, where 1 million new cases of Covid-19 have been recorded in the last week alone, i Centers for Disease Control issued recommendations for Thanksgiving on November 26.

Virologist Anthony Fauci will be spending Thanksgiving at Zoom. Should we imitate it?
A safe way to meet at home is to limit the guest list to close family members. As the number of people increases, especially if they do not live together, the risk of coming into contact with the virus increases. Traveling from one part of the country to another to reach friends and family is not a good option. We must not lose the results obtained.

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Practical advice?
The possibilities of applying the distancing measures in a family gathering, one meter between each diner at the table, depend on the size of the house, the availability of space, the capacity of individuals, adults and children, to avoid spills. The use of the mask is a fundamental part of the control measures. Recent data, released on November 10, shows that wearing it provides protection against coronavirus not only to those around us, but also to those who use it.

Will the vaccines arrive at the end of January?
The presentation to the American and European regulatory agencies of the results of the trials of the 2 vaccines at the end of phase 3 marks a step forward so that the vaccines can actually arrive and be distributed in our country as well.

We are ready?
Commissioner Arcuri has prepared a national plan to be implemented throughout Italy through the Regions. The availability of a vaccine, indeed more vaccines in a short time, indicates real progress in science and means that we will have a window of opportunity to reduce the impact of the virus in our lives. Much research remains to be done.

An attitude of distrust towards anti-Covid linked to the rapidity of time is penetrating public opinion. a justified fear?
Luckily there are rules and we don’t live in the Far West. Even if some doubts sometimes arise. The WHO has spoken out against shortcuts in vaccine approval, emphasizing that all established practices must be in place before using a vaccine. I trust the respect of the scientific method and the rules and at the moment there is no reason to doubt it.

How long will herd immunity take?
early to think about widespread immunity in the population. We trust the vaccine, but it will be necessary to wait for a high population coverage and consider how long the protection will last. All topics on which research can provide us with valuable information for public health decisions.

At what stage is the Spallanzani-Reithera vaccine?
The Reithera vaccine, developed and produced entirely in Italy, completes this week the enrollment of volunteers older than phase 1 and the development of other phases is currently being defined. The results obtained so far are promising and will undoubtedly be available as soon as possible.

Sicilia could have altered the data on intensive care, what do you think?
I have no tools to judge, I always believe in good faith until proven otherwise. I just analyze the situation. In Sicily, in the last 24 hours, 1,838 new cases of Covid have been registered with 43 deaths, with 9,386 positive smears, 19.5% of the total. This despite the fact that resuscitation hospitalizations are stable and there is an increase in hospitalizations. A daily control is necessary even when, as in Sicily, the previous monitoring reports an estimate of 1.13, in any case greater than one unit. Never let your guard down.

November 21, 2020 (change November 21, 2020 | 22:48)

